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  1. L

    HTC protective case

    hmm hope people wont have a problem with the diamond since the gsm and cdma versions have diff dimensions as well.
  2. L

    Site rules

    lots to learn when u r new here.
  3. L

    touch HD

    Touch HD looks like an awesome phone. If it gets released soon (like in 6 months) here in the US i would hold out and wait for it instead of gettin somethin like the Touch Pro
  4. L


    Go Giants! They made it harder than it had to be vs the Bengals but they prolly have the D-line cuz they can rush the passer and stuff the run. The superbowl champion is coming out of the NFC East.
  5. L

    Hi All

    Hi all, I've been looking to get a HTC smartphone for quite sometime. Now that the Touch pro is being released in the US I'll be a HTC owner shortly. the Touch HD is making me drool also. My friend said this is an awesome community and I look forward to getting that most out of my phone here...