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    [UPDATES] Resco Contact Manager v202 [updated july 2009]

    Re: Resco Contact Manager v090Beta hey. program works great. faster than any contact app iv used on my titan and the sms is faster than vito chat but looks and runs just as sweet. one question, how do u change the display time from military to standard on the today plugin?
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    [NEW] Mike20PRs Screens [Jan 09 09]

    where can i find the program to keep shell running
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    [RELEASE] Conduits Pocket Player v40

    works and looks good too. thanks
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    Aces Texas Hold'em- No Limit v1.0

    Re: Aces Texas Holdem - No Limit v10 sry but i cant figure out how to install this one. any help?
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    [NEW] HTC 32 Plugins Pack

    thanks a lot for this
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    Resco Explorer 2008 for Pocket PC (v7.04) (August 18, 2008)

    Re: Resco Explorer 2008 for Pocket PC (v704) (August 18 2008) lol yea sry bout that. but yall r f***n awesome! again
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    Resco Explorer 2008 for Pocket PC (v7.04) (August 18, 2008)

    Re: Resco Explorer 2008 for Pocket PC (v704) (August 18 2008) when i run the keygen it says failed to initialize click ok to terminate the app. --------- New Post Merged on 18/11/2008 at 02:22:15 -------- forget that i got the keygen. but i copied the cab to my phone and it starts to install...
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    NET Compact Framework 35 Redistributable

    hey i cant download this for some reason. the link is fine and iv found it on google or but it always takes me to and says its not a valid address. any help?
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    i need some generic roms for htc 6800. not carrier specific
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    wrong thread dude lol my problems a little worse
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    i searched over at xda for how to dump rom and i couldnt find anything really that i understood. i kinda need it spelled out for me. a rom dumping tutorial by dash would be great.. maybe? lol
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    i can receive and make calls and txts but i cant get on the internet. idk how a cooked rom would allow me to connect any differently to the internet
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    my carrier is bluegrass cellular. its in bowling green ky. phone is htc 6800. they told me they usually use generic software. im using an alltel rom right now but it sucks. its the one off the htc site. it doesnt show one for bluegrass tho
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    ok i went and talked to my carrier and they said they use mostly generic software so to try and find a generic rom to flash and see if it would let me connect thru it. any help with generic roms anybody..?
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    how would i perform a rom dump and where do i start to build it into an .exe file --------- New Post Merged on 18/10/2008 at 02:58:35 -------- i read a little at the xda site and if i can extract the nb parts from my friends 6800 then there are programs to combine them into a .nbh file. right...
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    my friend has the same phone and the same carrier. is there a way to flash or save his rom to a computer and then to my phone. if so will i need to relock or unlock. i think its unlocked right now and i have the qwest rom. i flashed like four different roms from the htc site tryin to make...
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    do u know where i can find the 2.17 rom download? --------- New Post Merged on 17/10/2008 at 08:33:50 -------- i updated to the sprint 3.56 rom and i couldnt connect to the internet. it kept tryin to connect thru sprint pcs i guess thats y it doesnt work. my network is called blueworks. i have...
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    alright. sry but where is the stock rom and should i relock or unlock b4 installing it?
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    i wanted to but i couldnt find one for bluegrass. should i try a custom rom or should i try to get back to the original? how?
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    hope im not screwing up the thread but i might have found problem but dont know how to fix. when i soft reset the evdo network shows up instead of the rA network that the alltel rom uses. i was able to transfer a couple of themes to my device but when i install the htc home and try to apply it...