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  1. M

    BiG JeWs MuRdER 187 Build 211 CDMA Touch PRO ONLY

    Re: BiG JeWs MuRdER 187 Build 211 Touch PRO ONLY So I spent almost an hour with Sprint Tech Support and I wasn't able to get data to work on my phone. So I'm going to try out a few more custom ROMS and see if I can get it to work and if I cant, I guess I have to go stock :crying:
  2. M

    BiG JeWs MuRdER 187 Build 211 CDMA Touch PRO ONLY

    Re: BiG JeWs MuRdER 187 Build 211 Touch PRO ONLY That was actually a problem with the first set of Pros that came out for Sprint. When I first got my pro with the stock ROM I had to do that. But yeah I was sure to change that when I flashed it with the new ROM. Its just not updating with my...
  3. M

    BiG JeWs MuRdER 187 Build 211 CDMA Touch PRO ONLY

    And I completely understand. These people put their hard work into making the usability and performance of a phone better and data usability may take a back seat. Personally, I only really use it as a matter of convenience to check my banking and to watch Youtube videos. But yeah if this was...
  4. M

    BiG JeWs MuRdER 187 Build 211 CDMA Touch PRO ONLY

    No it still doesnt work. I was on Sprint Tech Support for almost 2 hours. They had me hard reset my phone multiple times, update my profile multiple times and it still doesnt work. They finally issued me a trouble ticket, which means Ill probably never hear anything about it again until I call...
  5. M

    BiG JeWs MuRdER 187 Build 211 CDMA Touch PRO ONLY

    Well, here goes my first post. After spending the majority of the morning educating myself on how to upgrade my ROM on my pro and getting everything set up to do it, I can report that everything went by pretty easily. The only thing that I am having issues with right is getting the data to...