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    [NEW] Preberry (palm pre like theme for the blackberry)

    Is this one good for the BB Curve 8330?
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    [TUTORIAL] To install 3rd-party software using the DM( desktop manager)

    Just bought a Blackberry Curve Im still not familiar with the alx/cod files, Ive had the HTC Smartphones forever so Im still getting used to this new format.
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    [NEW] ICEMANS Request Thread for Blackberry Applications (Not Games)

    Re: ICEMANS Request Thread for Blackberry Apps (Not Games) youre right my apologies I actually dont know the "app" thats why im asking but ill find out thanks
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    [NEW] ICEMANS Request Thread for Blackberry Applications (Not Games)

    Re: ICEMANS Request Thread for Blackberry Apps (Not Games) sorry Ive should have done this here Im looking for this app that when you call someone another name shows up one their caller id
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    Sprint Theme

    tight work this theme is rediculous, do you have any other themes that have a neon theme as well?
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    HTC Sense running on Vogue Android

    I downloaded all the files needed but when I ran the haret program on my vogue there was an error message. help
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    [FREEWARE] [APP] Slide2Shutdown v10 [30/08/2009] (Now supports all resolutions)

    I tried the qvga version but link is down please re up
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    wm 70 on the Vogue

    Just wondering is there any works on getting wm 7.0 on the Vogue?
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    Goku's GSS Rom Beta Edition Touch Pro WM 6.5

    Re: Gokus GSS Rom Beta Edition Touch Pro WM 65 Is this ONLY for the Touch PRO or can it be used on the Touch as well?
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    I dont like this new ROM

    Sorry Forget it!!! lol
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    I dont like this new ROM

    Understood guys thanks a milli --------- New Post Merged on 9/8/2009 at 04:19:21 -------- I tried looking up gokus rom had no luck where would I find it?
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    I dont like this new ROM

    I installed the nsfan or whatever his name is 6.5 rom I believe its with titanium I flashed it first to unlock it that went fine then when the new ROM was installed it froze up at first so i had to do a hard reset then it was fine but since then its just a pain to work with Im liking that it...
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    I dont like this new ROM

    I put the new 6.5 rom in probably 2 weeks ago its given me some real headaches first it makes my CorePlayer buggy the videos play with a delay and its slower then the original. What do I need to do re install the program or what please help
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    Help with watching movies thru Windows Media Player or Core Player

    none of the keys say change buffer rate where do i look?
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    Help with watching movies thru Windows Media Player or Core Player

    how do you change the buffer rate on the tcpmp
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    Help with watching movies thru Windows Media Player or Core Player

    I have the HTC Touch Vogue which I updated the ROM to 6.5 the problem is Core Player runs a bit buggy on this format and unfortunately I can use Windows Media Player to view because it always gives me a pop up saying its not supported some please help Im trying to find a player that will...
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    [RELEASE] SmartMovie Player v4.00

    Re: SmartMovie Player v400 well see this is the problem i put that code under the licence key and its not working --------- New Post Merged on 31/7/2009 at 10:12:58 -------- Forget it it works!!! Thanks for the help lol!!
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    [RELEASE] SmartMovie Player v4.00

    Re: SmartMovie Player v400 i just put my first name do i put anything under company and address?
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    [RELEASE] SmartMovie Player v4.00

    Re: SmartMovie Player v400 when I open the program its telling me to go under the buy and unlock tab then its asking me for the licence key i get the keygen and the codes done match at all