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    [HTC-PRO] *Updated Nov 25th* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5 ROMs

    Re: Updated July 22nd NFSFANs Custom WM65 ROMs Finally got my touch pro working on acs alaska. They said they couldn't do it. But i got it all working with the internet. This is a good rom. Been using it for a week now. I tried the other 3 WM 6.5 rom on here. This one is the by far the...
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    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    Now this is some good rom. I'm way up here in Alaska, and my phone company (ACS), don't have a clue what going on. with this phone. I was trying to tell them that the gps don't work on their standard rom. I would like to get the touch pro. They never heard of it, and wont activate it if i get...
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    [Mogul] Manilla 2d mogul

    I'm having problem with the ms voice command. I keeps telling me to restart the program. Also the fonts on the phone dialer is super small. How do I correct this.
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    [Mogul] Manilla 2d mogul

    the landscape works but doesn't go over the whole screen. --------- New Post Merged on 28/10/2008 at 03:09:01 -------- true. runs smoother/had it install before. I noticed when I try to choose all the settings, it don't launch. i'll try a soft reset. again good rom just testing will decide...
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    [Mogul] Manilla 2d mogul

    good release running strong, but it sucks alot of memory. probally want be able to run my media player and garmin xt (when i install it) at the same time. like I use to with the basic sprint rom.: roooox:
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    [Mogul] Manilla 2d mogul

    Okay got my htc 6800 (mogul) unlocked. Question, will this custom skin work in landscape mode?