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  1. D

    PPC6800 flash to boost

    I am actually looking at switching over to Boost.....I need to go by one of their stores and find out if CDMA has hit my area yet or if it is still just IDEN..(I am in Denver)...I can be patient....Currently I am on Cricket and have been able to write a couple of ROMS etc for them for Mogul, but...
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    A curious question

    I am doing a little looking around at various lower cost carriers and I found the following informaiton: Wondering if anyone has tried this in here or is familiar with it.....downside...
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    xv-6800/Mogul BASIC CRICKET ROM

    OK Everyone...... I have, thanks to PPCKitchen and espcecilly JustPCTech, cooked this fairly basic ROM for Cricket. It will work on the Mogul and the XV-6800. (MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE UNLOCKED, SPC to 000000 (no problem for VZW XV-6800, but a bit of a problem with Mogul from...
  4. D

    Touch Pro (Raphael) HSPL Unlocker And Relocker (CDMA ONLY)

    I have to ask......... Are any of you that are having difficulty getting your TP unlocked using a VZW Touch Pro?????? The .37 unlocker WILL NOT WORK for a VZW TP........have to get .35 ...... the following is the thread from PPC for the .35...
  5. D

    hey Bro....sorry for interrupting....if you people using that Cricket Rom that I put together...

    hey Bro....sorry for interrupting....if you people using that Cricket Rom that I put together have no complaints or suggestions for improvement, I will post it to the ROM section.....I appreciate all the help you have provided me in so many threads that I have read......without your shared...
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    Screwed up after hard reset

    Take a look at Setting->Sysem->Key Lock and make sure that you do NOT have "Lock buttons if device is locked" checked........i accidently did that once and drove me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. D

    [NEWS] Take action to force carriers to open networks and stop crippling devices.

    Just some rambling thoughts........I cant say that I have completely thought thru this, but my gut tells me that sometimes we have to be careful what we wish for. Admittedly, we all want the the very best phone that we can get, make or mod....That is probably the main reason we are all...
  8. D

    Verizon Touch Pro

    The VZW TP does have significant less memory than the Sprint TP.........That has been an issue from the begninning........Perhaps the following solution, but since i dont use Sprtin or VZW i dont know if it is particularly feasible... Get a Sprint TP......unlock and flash to VZW stock or custom...
  9. D

    touch pro keyboard

    UGH..........I hate hearing about all the keyboard issues with the TP! I desperately want one but since i will have to flash it to my carrier (Cricket), and wont have ESRP or TEP for replacements, it just doesn't make economic sense for me to get one which sucks!!!!!!!!!! Oh...
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    Getting Pregnant from swimming

    Unfortunate for this 13 year old that her mother obviously is from the shallow end of the gene pool.....De-Nile...its not just a river in Egypt anymore now is it?
  11. D

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    Glad that it worked out so well for you........I am currently studying the ins and outs of flashing the TP to Cricket and have been doing alot of reading and had already found that......VZW phones are typically easier to flash to Cricket (SPC is already 000000) so i start with them and then work...
  12. D

    ON3/\Ls Desktop

    LOL D/\ pretty much lost me after "\dual booting isnt hard to do".........I very much appreciate everything, but its gonna be awhile before i am willing to tackle something like this! I am, as i alluded to before, amazed at hte ease at which you all are able to talk about this...
  13. D

    My daughter might work for sprint

    As i am sitting here and reading this a number of different ideas come to mind, but none of which are probably overly feasible......I seem to remember tha ton VZW they have something called like a "Firefly" which is actually designed for smaller children. Can only dial like 3 or 4...
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    ON3/\Ls Desktop

    dude, Sweet look on this! I just have to wonder where Phe-Nom got the pictures of my next future ex-wife? LOL..........Totally sweet.......What amazes me the most is how y'all are able to "dual boot" and stuff.......I know how to turn mine on.....log in......and get onto this crazy thing...
  15. D

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    From PPCGeeks.........if you are trying to unlock a Verizon Touch Pro, it needs a different Unlocker NOT .37.......They have a .35 specifically for the Verizon Touch Pro... Here is the link HTH --------- New Post...
  16. D

    Kewl....i will give it another couple of weeks......if it is running tight for them, I will post...

    Kewl....i will give it another couple of weeks......if it is running tight for them, I will post and work on cooking up some more!!!!!!!!!! Hot damn! I might be getting some "mad skills" as my 7 year old loves to say!
  17. D

    PDAJs Clean WM65 Titan Sprint

    PDAJ seems to do some nice work. I flashed a few of his ROMS for the Mogul on Cricket and really liked that they were pretty clean and quick.....I am unsure still whether 6.5 will really be viable on the Mogul because of the limited memory IMO.........
  18. D

    hey bro...sorry for interrupting....your peoples get hooked up on the Cricket ROM i posted....I...

    hey bro...sorry for interrupting....your peoples get hooked up on the Cricket ROM i posted....I would like to know if they found anything that needs to be fixed prior to posting in ROM section.......
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    hey and hello from new york city

    LOL I love this term!
  20. D

    LOL luckily i am in a position where pretty much i can tell mine to! The joys of being old...

    LOL luckily i am in a position where pretty much i can tell mine to! The joys of being old and no where else that they can put me! actually my chain is filled with some really good people, so i have absolutely no room to complain