Search results

  1. C

    [UPDATES] Barcorama - barcode reader software [Updated 3-26-09]

    I knew about that, but I debated due to the fact that I wasn't actually trying to provide an outside link. I was merely trying to provide the text in which a person should use.
  2. C

    [UPDATES] Barcorama - barcode reader software [Updated 3-26-09]

    I know that barcodzilla didn't work out, but this one works great in conjuction with set the search for!## It will bring up the screen that the Fast Price Check app does. Give you the prices from Amazon, Google, Yahoo, Ebay etc...
  3. C

    Skyfire v10012113 [UPDATE JULY 1 2009]

    Re: Skyfire v0909333 is here for download [UPDATE APRIL 30 2009] I went to Hulu to watch some Family Guy, but the sound wasn't working. Does anyone know anything bout that? --------- New Post Merged on 9/5/2009 at 12:09:08 -------- Ok So I did a soft reset like what was presented in the...
  4. C

    [INFO] What's Is Your Occupation ?

    Re: Whats Is Your Occupation Deff. not a career, but I work at a mom and pop type computer store that my Father in Law owns and started 18 years ago. We don't advertise, but do around 1,000,000 in sales and repairs each year on word of mouth. I work on computers when needed, but I mostly do...
  5. C

    I love Ebay (Touch Pro)

    Sorry... I should clarify that I have a family plan. With Tmobile, I would have the the 700 mins shared, 24.95 for the G1 data plan, and another 19.95 for family unlimited text. Which is 120 after tax. With sprint, I already get an employee discount back WHEN I worked for the city ;) I also...
  6. C

    I love Ebay (Touch Pro)

    Both are guaranteed to have clean ESN. I typically only buy from people with good ratings and a lot of feedback. It is the people who's ad's are illegible and a feedback rating of 2 that I am weary of. I appreciate all that you do!
  7. C

    I love Ebay (Touch Pro)

    I have been searching over what phone to purchase and what plan to go with. I was almost convinced to get the G1 and switch to Tmobile, but I would end up paying 120.00 a month after taxes and I couldnt justify that being that my wife has a baby on the way. I currently have Sprint, and every...
  8. C

    Hello from Salt Lake City

    I will be getting the HTC pro in a little bit. I am more doing so to save money on having to switch carriers. One question that I do have, is there is an Ebay application for the Touch Pro? The pocket auction app for the G1 is awesome and I really want something like that for the Touch Pro...