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    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    Re |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21 i just flashed it to a girl i know's phone, she says its running great so far, but her picturemail isnt working right, granted shes not the more technically savvy girl, imma check it out for her later tonight to see if it is...
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    [HTC-HERO] [ROM] 11/19/0904 | fresh rom | Built off Updated Sprint Base

    Re [ROM] 11/19/0904 | fresh rom | Built off Updated Sprint Base updated first post with latest version.
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    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    Re |H|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Photon (23081/21864 | Nov 5th | Mani yeah, the way he has it set up the links never go out of date, but updated the changelog on our site to match the latest change log.
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    [RELEASE] Robo Defense 120

    Re Robo Defense 120 any other links to this wees? we gotta dead link me thinks :)
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    Re Re Re Re Re Re SPRINT HTC Hero Rooted READ MORE well if you pushed the img to your sd card then it wouldnt be flash_image recovery recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img unles you are in the sdcard try this instead... flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img
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    [NEWS] HTC Hero

    Re Re HTC Hero it means i stayed up way too late at night with zinx and we finally got root access to the filesystem so we are able to do crazy things like flashing roms...sorta like windows mobile... and we can modify the system to allow us to save applications to the sd card instead of on...
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    [NEWS] HTC Hero

    Re Re Re HTC Hero mine says HTC, my roommate's says Google, havent seen a different yet other than the back door :P
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    [HTC-HERO] [ROM] 08/11 11 CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring WaveSecure

    Re Re [TESTING] 08/11 10 CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring WaveS uhh it doesnt look that different but ill take some, ive been running it for like 5 hours actually on 1.0 but 1.1 is the same as 1.0 with a minor filesystem i just manually changed it...
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Need webos lead mod

    Re Re Need webos lead mod finally he does somethign productive...... not like that anime crazy section... HAHAH <3 goku :)
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    Youmail - A Customizable Voicemail Alternative

    Re Youmail A Customizable Voicemail Alternative i actually got that email last night or of the two and i was excited and then i remembered my hero already has visual voicemail :P
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    [NEWS] HTC Hero

    Re HTC Hero w00t w00t hero users! new rom by modaco, check it out:
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    [CDMA] [ROM] 08/11 11 CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring WaveSecure

    [ROM] 08/11 1.1 - CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring WaveSecure ** I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS ROM, THIS WAS ALL MODACO OVER AT XDA, CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL LINK: I'm pleased to present my MoDaCo Custom Hero ROM for the CDMA Hero...
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    [FREEWARE] HTC HERO Sprint Default Stock Rom Apps

    Re HTC HERO Sprint Default Stock Rom Apps nice release elboriyorker! for those that have GSM-based android devices...all of these apps should work with the exception of Sprint TV...that wont work on GSM android because of account checks it does
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    [NEWS] An iPhone? No way! On Verizon? Where?!?

    Re Re Re An iPhone No way On Verizon Where /me unlocks device for sprint
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    Re SPRINT HTC Hero Rooted READ MORE ive already extracted the majority of the apps from sprint, everything that was built into the sprint rom can be located in /system/app
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    Re SPRINT HTC Hero Rooted READ MORE and new tutorial by chuck over at xda ... see first post, it enables SU in terminal and you have root access for running apps
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    Re SPRINT HTC Hero Rooted READ MORE well right now its kinda useless, until we actually have a CDMA-based rom for the hero... but its cool for devs like me to have root access to the filesystem :) if you really wanna gain access to your root in terminal you will need to download the adb for...
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    Re SPRINT HTC Hero Rooted READ MORE i would not update to 2.0 if i was you...its built on a newer linux kernel which does not have the pipe.c exploit that he used to do this...what will happen is people will start making roms for the phone and someone will make a 2.0 rom that has root access...
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    Hey guys, So after many days of testing a bunch of shit on my hero, and going back and forth with zinxs amazing programming knowledge in #android-root we were finally able to get the Sprint Hero rooted! woohoo! Visit zinx's site below to download the latest version of the rooting software, its...
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    Re Android J2ME MIDP RUNNER this unlocks a whole other world of games :)