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  1. V

    yo Im back bro n mayne do things look different lol ive been goin thru alot of personal problems...

    yo Im back bro n mayne do things look different lol ive been goin thru alot of personal problems but hopefully Im back to stay!!!! Anyhow I just bought a Touch Pro!
  2. V

    SomeGuyMMS v0.4.4.562

    Re: SomeGuyMMS v044562 sweet thanx , hopefully this still works
  3. V

    Devils Rejects

    I cant edit my posts so Ill put it here
  4. V

    Devils Rejects

    As per request heres Devils rejects Re-upped
  5. V

    Devils Rejects

    I got you here ya go
  6. V

    Bimmer 745

    This is for my homie lol aint the best but I wasn't too sure if I kould even attach seein as how my komp n the site aint been agreeing on much lately lol Nah attaching didn't work lol so here it is in its rapidshare glory
  7. V

    RUU_PPST_Vogue_SPRINT_WWE_3.03.651.4_Radio (DCD Strikes Again - JULY 10, 2008)

    Re: RUU_PPST_Vogue_SPRINT_WWE_3.03.651.4_Radio (DCD Strikes Again - JULY 10, 2008) so whats the deal(review) with this broski
  8. V

    HTC Panda Theme

    Which is exactly why I don't want it :smile_mini2:
  9. V

    broSkis new htc touch w/ diamond theme

    hahahaha suckas ah who am I foolin I have one too but ya'lls dont smell like lemonade lol
  10. V

    after flashing

    yea thats what I mean thebootloader screen , but If I dont soft reset my phone works fine , weird right . see it resets obviously after I flash it , then after I do basic setup u know tap screen to set up the basics it resets again for the customization and we're still a-ok , I even loaded up my...
  11. V

    after flashing

    So after I flashed my phone and load all my programs back up it asks to be reset so after I soft reset it goes bak into boot menu lol whats goin on ?
  12. V


    sweet car
  13. V

    A Fyi Bout D/\sh

    aight well I just got back in so I thought the meetin was still on . My bad . Oh yeah I luv lamp .
  14. V

    A Fyi Bout D/\sh

    I kant even log onto the flash chat wtf
  15. V

    A Fyi Bout D/\sh

    Yo D/\SH will b aight he just has to breathe a lil . He a smart dude he'll sort things out!
  16. V


    Im so use to givin thanx I dont know why I thanked u for this comment lol uh na I dont think so bra I think we'll kill whoever we meet in the finals IF we make it too lol
  17. V


    Uh yea the Suns window might have just been shut tonight lol
  18. V

    Happy B_day Tigerz!!! (not That You Have Been On Lol)

    wow the dudes been awol lol :connie_mini_hotairb
  19. V

    Robot CHicken

    This is a funny ass show
  20. V

    Space Ghost

    Enjoy Yo for some reason I jsut noticed that alot of m screen captures r cut short ? hmm I gotta look into that sorry guys n gals