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  1. G

    [NEWS] SPJ Fantasy FootBall League (0 spots)

    Re: AMJ Fantasy FootBall League (7 spots) I just signed in. This ought to be interesting
  2. G

    StarROM 20 (The New Beginning) WM 65 5221222

    Re: StarROM 65 5221202 Touch Pro V14 (Rhodium clock patched to G-Alarm) Thats a good idea I'll try that, thanks. I will still re-flash and take battery out because I actually still have the ATR screen pop up when I reset my phone, its been working so I did not worry about it.
  3. G

    StarROM 20 (The New Beginning) WM 65 5221222

    Re: StarROM 65 5221202 Touch Pro V14 (Rhodium clock patched to G-Alarm) I did the hard reset but did not pull the battery. I'll try it when i get home. thanks for the help fam!
  4. G

    StarROM 20 (The New Beginning) WM 65 5221222

    Re: StarROM 65 5221202 Touch Pro V14 (Rhodium clock patched to G-Alarm) I flashed the 1.5 rom and I'm loving this rom with win 6.5. My problem is when I go to my internet menu, and press launch browser, nothing happens. If I click a link in a txt or something it opens Opera, other than that I...
  5. G

    [01-16-09] Juggalo TP ROM v008B [OS 5219972 Build 19972] [UC]

    My old phone was gone for the past 2 days, so I had to wait to get it back to swap the esn. So while waiting I have been playing with the touch pro, and decided to throw some ROMs on to see how the performance was. So you are saying I need to flash back to sprint stock before I call and esn...
  6. G

    [01-16-09] Juggalo TP ROM v008B [OS 5219972 Build 19972] [UC]

    Quick question, I just got a new touch pro, but I have not done the esn swap yet from my previous phone. If I flash the pro with this Rom before I do my esn swap will it effect anything when I do swap from my old phone? Edit/Delete Message
  7. G

    FREE Touch PRO upgrade with TEP if you have the MOGUL

    I do a lot of reading, and most of my questions are answered in other post. But I don't see what my post count has to do with my comment??
  8. G

    FREE Touch PRO upgrade with TEP if you have the MOGUL

    WOW!! as soon as I finished my last post, I went to try it again, and it went through!! $55 bucks cause I did not have insurance, but i'll be cised when I see it in the mail cause I am having a lot of probs with my mogul!! Jan 20th is turning out to be a great day for new starts first Obama now...
  9. G

    FREE Touch PRO upgrade with TEP if you have the MOGUL

    Wow Yesterday?? Why do I always catch these threads late. I go to try it and get the out of stock message. Ahh Fuuuudge!!!! I guess its me and my Mogul still trying to get by.
  10. G

    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    Wow you all are good, thanks for the quick replies. I'll reflash when I get home, and try to reinstall the programs. thanks
  11. G

    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    Hey, I was about to get a touch pro, but I decided for a while to save some money and stick with my Mogul a little while longer. So I tried to do my first cooked flash and finally got it to work. Thanks Kaos! This may be a simple one, but my question is I went and restored my phone from my stb...
  12. G

    skyfire is here!

    If you register and get capacity message, keep that sms with the link, go back and change your phone number and resend to the fake number. Then go and retry to cut and paste the original sms link that did not work the first time. This is how I got mine to finally give me a download link
  13. G

    skyfire is here!

    I have been getting the beta 2 waitlist screen for a while and I just finally got the download screen, and have it installed on my mogul now. I'll try to retell how I did it the best I can,cause i don't know which step worked, but maybe it will help someone who keeps getting the beta2 waitlist...
  14. G

    skyfire is here!

    Normally I would be fine with this not working, but I watched all them damn youtube videos, see all these other folk getting it to work, and its fukin up my head!
  15. G

    skyfire is here!

    Oh Well I'm still having problems getting it. I guess it just wont work for me, Ive tried different browsers, emails etc. It seems like it may have to do with the number at the end of the link sent in the sms. I cut and paste the link and it turns the link to...
  16. G

    skyfire is here!

    damn. still workin for folk. i get the sms but cant get the download link for the cab. damn damn damn!
  17. G

    skyfire is here!

    I get the sms text right away, Then I copy the link, go to pie and open it, and the page that opens up says link expired. This was last night around 10pm est. I see this morning that it looks like people are still getting it, so I guess i did something wrong somewhere.
  18. G

    Mogul, Ipod Touch & Wifi

    Ok i found it . Thanks man!
  19. G

    Mogul, Ipod Touch & Wifi

    Thanks for the quick response dash. Is WMwifirouter on here because when I search it says term not found or too long, and gives me no results. thanks
  20. G

    Mogul, Ipod Touch & Wifi

    I have searched around a bit, and I think PDAnet is what I need but I don't know for sure. Can I set my mogul to be the wifi hot spot for my Ipod Touch? If so what programs do I need and how do i set it up? Thanks