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  1. H

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 2

    ok I flashed my phone with this rom....Everything was ok until it restarted and gets stuck on KAOS EDITION where that lil guy is giving the finger....I have tried hard reset soft reset and nothing happens...I cant get and active sync because it does not go any further....what do I do please...
  2. H

    HTC Diamond WeatherPanel Theme

    when i click on the weather icon and the music icon nothing comes do i get that to work like the pics above.....i downloaded the weather pannel and also put files in correct folders but it still dosnt wrk.....please help is there a certain plug in i need or maybe a setting i need to...
  3. H

    HTC Diamond WeatherPanel Theme

    Ok so i downloaded the weatherpanel program and am using the throtellauncher i copied all files need to in right folders...except the weather panel dll file i draged and dropped into weather panel and it disapears...when i try registering it... i use the reg code that was in the link and it says...
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    Hard Reset?????

    hOW DO YOU HARD RESET THE MOGUL????? I hold the send key the end key and the soft reset key at the same time and nothing just soft resets device
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    Mac Cube For Mogul

    Can you please reup the link thanks
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    VITO Technology SMS Chat v1.1

    how can I make this app my default app....when i get a text this app pops up and i use it to text......but on my text button under my clock it still shows all the same text messages......I want all my text just to be in this app only
  7. H

    Sprint Mogul ROM Update 3.16.651.0! (Windows Mobile 6.1 & Sprint TV Included)

    Re: Sprint Mogul ROM Update 3.16.651.0! (Windows Mobile 6.1 & Sprint TV Included) does this rom have rev a and gps?
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    Can you please reup this link to download thanks
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    How do you enable Rev A.....When I call ##778# it says my Rev A is disabled.......I cant edit it because when I click on edit, it ask for Password and I dont know it.....Please help....Just FYI I have a Mogul and I just downloaded the new Rev A rom from the HTC website.....
  11. H

    just got a sprint mogul

    Posted via Mobile Device im looking for the rom that says leaked from sprint but want to know if there is that same one for the mogul ......I know there are a bunch of roms I really like the one I found that says sprint rom leaked it is the one where its says test only not for sale when u boot it up
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    just got a sprint mogul

    I have windows moble six . one one my touch its the sprint one that was leaked is that same rom available for the mogul I liked a lot thanks
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    just got a sprint mogul

    now rev a is out already so once I download that on mogul will it b gps enabled?
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    just got a sprint mogul

    cool so when is search do I search for htc home plug in for mogul
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    just got a sprint mogul

    I had the touch now I hav e a mogul will same apps work forf the mogul also how do I get my front scrdeen to look like my touch with clock snd icons etc.....sorry I feel like a noob again...
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    Vito Remote PPC Full

    does this work on htc touch
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    BeyondPod v2.7.1.1 (Freeware)

    works thanks
  18. H

    BeyondPod v2.7.1.1 (Freeware)

    haveing trouble opening this app...everytime i try and open says file either unknown or damaged.....and it wont open....can you please put app in a exe formay to run from my computer? Or can you help me figure out how to open it.....because im using winrar and its not working with...
  19. H

    Did not soft reset after Alltell ROM

    This what I found...I know it says for Sprint users...Cant hurt to try...If dosnt wrk your in the same Maybe try it :o) Oh ya I found it at PPCGEEKS.COM...
  20. H

    Makayama Pocket Live TV v1.0

    ok i have an htc touch and i downloaded this app...loaded it up it connected then buffered and says playing but i get not video or there anything i need to do first as far as setting are concerned?