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    touch pro keyboard

    mine keyboard just gave out on me. Sooo, should i use self service solutions? Is getting a refurbished phone really bad or somethin? I've never had one before.
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    [HTC-PRO] 10/2 SsS-ROMv0402 WM65(21864.5.0.81) Rhodium Manila2.1 EzInput2.1

    Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu Unfortunately I don't, it just came with the rom, I never saw a name for the program
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    [HTC-PRO] 10/2 SsS-ROMv0402 WM65(21864.5.0.81) Rhodium Manila2.1 EzInput2.1

    Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu This is a really great rom!!!! One thing I kinda miss though from the Juggalo rom is the uploader where you can upload your pics and videos directly to facebook and youtube. Is there any way to get that? I tried searching but came...
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    Mail2Web services

    What are you trying to sync? I think the google sync is only for contacts and calendar. If you have other things checked (like email) it might be causing the error.
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    Mail2Web services

    Does anyone know how to get 7mail? I been trying to do a search but I haven't found anything.
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    Mail2Web services

    Yup, received the same email today. I was was so easy gettin my school Oh well....seems like 7mail is the way to go. Never heard of it, but I'll give it a try.
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    Best Touch Pro rom

    I agree with Dash. I've had some problems with other roms. Not serious problems, but little errors. Like when I would slide my phone out my contacts would pop up out of nowhere. But with Juggalo's ROM, I've had absolutely NO problems. Definitely go with that.
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    [01-16-09] Juggalo TP ROM v008B [OS 5219972 Build 19972] [UC]

    Heyyy! I just installed this rom. Very smooth and nice!!! One question. You have a screenshot where it says account manager and has facebook and youtube and says that your not signed in. What is that? thanks again for the rom! --------- New Post Merged on 20/1/2009 at 06:41:02 -------- Sorry...
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    [HTC-PRO] Kaos Touch Pro Hybrid Cdma Sprint

    Kaos, great job!!! I'm lovin the new rom!!! Your hard work is greatly appreciated. :dance4:
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    Prince of Persia HD v103

    Re: Prince of Persia HD v10 Hmmm. I'll just try it on another computer. thanks.
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    Prince of Persia HD v103

    Re: Prince of Persia HD v10 None of the links work anymore. Can you re-up please? Thanks!
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    Mogul to Pro

    Do you have to have insurance to make the mogul-touch pro swap?
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    Sprint Mogul official 3.35 rom What youve been waiting for...

    Thanks alot elboriyorker! Works great now. how did you narrow it down? and one question: do i have to leave it off while i'm synched?
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    Sprint Mogul official 3.35 rom What youve been waiting for...

    I did everything you said. IIt says connecting when i plug it in but after awhile it says activesync could not connect to the device.
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    Sprint Mogul official 3.35 rom What youve been waiting for...

    Unfortunately I don't have another computer I can use. I have windows xp though.
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    Sprint Mogul official 3.35 rom What youve been waiting for...

    ok i have another question. I've been using quick search for an hour so sorry if this has already been in another thread, but after installing this new rom, my activesync doesn't work. I can still use it to synch my contacts, calendar, etc., but when I plug it into my laptop it no longer...
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    Sprint Mogul official 3.35 rom What youve been waiting for...

    ok, so I upgraded successuflly (Thanks for the great directions) but now I have a question. With this new rom, should I just reinstall everything from my memory stick? Because I tried to use sprite backup to restore my files, but when I do so, it leaves me with no sound and when I make a phone...
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    Power Button

    yeah. I dunno its just a menace sometimes. Thanks to both of you though.
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    Power Button

    I tried that too. It doesn't work. Its not that my backlight doesn't last long enough, its when it goes off that I have that problem. Isn't the screen just supposed to wake up after u push the power button, as opposed to it exiting out of the program you were in? Maybe I should just but the...
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    Power Button

    Nope, I've done a million of those. I'm still having the same problem.