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[HTC-PRO2] 11/25/09 MightyROM.com RhodiumW



[COLOR=RoyalBlue]MightyROM RhodiumW Compatibility:
[COLOR=Gray]Telus Mobility[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Gray] | Sprint PCS | Verizon Mobile | US Cellular[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]MightyROM RhodiumW Instructions:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]1) Your device requires HSPL Unlocking, Please read here before downloading
2) Download the file to your PC
3) Connect phone to PC via Activesync/WMDC
4) Make sure all device settings (Contacts, SMS, etc) are backed up
5) Execute downloaded .exe and follow instructions
6) Enjoy![/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]MightyROM RhodiumW Special Thanks:[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]
[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]CFay, CMonex, Lil' Rico, Briggs, Purian, Juggalo_X, Psyki, NRGz, DCD,
BikeandDestroyX, Juicy47[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]The Features Of MightyROM:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]MightyROM is built from the ground up on a Windows Phone Core.
Every driver, OEM package is obtained from Windows Phone devices
to provide a complete Windows Phone experience.

Now you too can enjoy the freedom of user customization, movable start menu icons, free wi-fi sharing provided by HTC,
performance enhancing edits and, of course, the MightyROM quality that thousands of users have come to know and love.

The experience is also backed by MightyROM's signature stock bare-bone platform, providing a clean slate for users to create and customize the device
according to his/her liking.

MightyROM is designed to function with all CDMA carriers. However, carrier cabs are recommended for the full Windows Phone experience, as well as carrier enhanced functionalities.[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]

For more information on MightyROM be sure to visit MightyROM.com

Enjoy the experience.[/COLOR]
Countless hours are spent designing MightyROM
Feel free to show your appreciation!

[U][B]ROM Download[/B][/U]
[URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/mightyromblog/?page_id=321"][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Click Here To Download MightyROM RhodiumW[/COLOR][/URL]
[I]password: mightyrom.com[/I]
[U][B]Carrier Provisioning Instructions[/B][/U]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Start > System > Carrier Provisioning
[I]Setup your device carrier settings instantly![/I][/COLOR]
[U][B]SD Configuration Instructions[/B][/U]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Users utilizing the SDConfig feature, please set all 
of your files to read only. RunCC operates differently, 
not doing so will result in deleted cabs after install.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=RoyalBlue]MightyROM RhodiumW Release Notes:
November 25th, 2009[/B]
[#] Re-Built ROM
[#] 21869.5.0.82
[#] USC_2.01.69306_Kernel
[#] USC_6.5_OEMDriver
[#] D3D_Enhancements
[#] Optimized Carrier Provisioning
[#] New RunCC Splash
[#] Windows Phone CDMA RSSI [Thanks Nico4K]
[#] Be Polite [Thanks Apristel]
[#] AdobePDF_2_5_1_0_378273_01B  
[#] AdvancedNetwork_1_0_12_0  
[#] aGPSConfirmation_1_0_19183131_04  
[#] Album_3_0_19202431_0  
[#] AppServiceMsg_1_12_0_0  
[#] App_Service_1_72_0_2  
[#] AudioBooster_2_2_19174121_1  
[#] AudioManager_Eng_1_7_19202329_h  
[#] BluetoothSetting_2_11_1_0  
[#] BootLauncher_1_0_19152530_1  
[#] ButtonSetting_3_17_0_2  
[#] Calculator_1_0_19201830_01  
[#] Camera_6_17_36214_0  
[#] CDMA_RSSI_PPC_1_28_0_0  
[#] ClearStorage_1_40_0_3  
[#] CMInternetSharing_1_1_1_2  
[#] CM_Guardian_Service_1_20_0_2  
[#] CommManager_2_9_19_0  
[#] ConcurrenceMgr_1_5_19142726_00  
[#] ConnectionSetup_3_1_19192630_00  
[#] ContactUtilityEngine_1_0_19182924_0000  
[#] DataDisconnect_1_14_0_0  
[#] DataRoamGuard_1_20_0_1  
[#] DelWMPTempFolder_1_10_0_0  
[#] DeviceInfo_1_39_0_2  
[#] DialerMenuExt_1_11_0_1  
[#] DMRouter_2_46_0_0  
[#] DRMMiddleware_1_5_19142824_00  
[#] DShow_2_0_19191728_01  
[#] EnlargeStartMenu_1_2_37901_2  
[#] EPST_4_67_0_0  
[#] FacebookEngine_1_0_19184127_00  
[#] FieldTrial_4_23_0_1  
[#] Field_T_e_s_t_2_19_0_0  
[#] FolderViewer_1_0_18221231_1  
[#] Fuart_1_14_0_1  
[#] FullScreenPlayer_1_6_19173924_00  
[#] GMM_Customized_1_0_0_0  
[#] GoogleLocationService_1_0_1_19  
[#] GPS_GMM_3_2_116_0  
[#] GSensorCalibrator_1_1_18212730_4  
[#] HACSetting_1_0_2_1  
[#] HTCAnimation_1_3_5_0  
[#] HTCApplication_1_14_1_0  
[#] HTCFontLink_1_0_19132133_1  
[#] HTCFramework_1_1_19191322_00  
[#] HTCGeoService_1_0_19192827_00  
[#] HTCMessage_1_07_281_2  
[#] HTCScroll_2_0_19153028_1  
[#] HTCSettings_1_4_3_0  
[#] HTCStartUp_1_7_0_0  
[#] HTCUtil_4_12_0_2  
[#] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19192729_30  
[#] IME_Engine_Western_2_1_19201726_00  
[#] IME_EzInput_Western_2_1_19192721_01  
[#] initProv_2_57_0_1  
[#] InvokeSIMMgr_1_12_0_1  
[#] LaunchSIMPINUI_1_13_0_0  
[#] LockScreenAppLauncher_1_0_1918_3827  
[#] LockStreamDRM_1_2_081216_O9_05  
[#] Manila_2_1_19202517_0  
[#] MediaToolkit_1_0_19202431_00  
[#] Menu_Enhancement_1_1_19202527_00  
[#] Message_Enhancement_1_1_19161820_02  
[#] mHubVO_1_77_090723_X0  
[#] MicrophoneAGC_0_91_0_6  
[#] Microsoft MyPhone  
[#] ModeSwitchRIL_1_10_0_0  
[#] MP3Trimmer_1_2_19171125_2  
[#] MS_Facebook_1_1  
[#] Mute_1_1_2_0  
[#] MyCPL_3_13_0_6  
[#] NewContactCard_1_0_19202620_00  
[#] Notification_Enhancement_2_0_1919_1427  
[#] Opera_Browser_9_50_17775_0  
[#] PhoneCanvas_5_30_0_0  
[#] Phonecanvas_MASD_3_40_1920_1930  
[#] PhoneExt_Service_2_52_0_0  
[#] PhoneSetting_1_58_0_0  
[#] PictureEnhancement_1_50_19171326_00  
[#] PKG_1_1_0_0  
[#] PowerOffWarning_2_12_0_0  
[#] Power_3_4_0_3  
[#] Power_Service_2_23_0_3  
[#] ProgressMenuExt_1_11_0_0  
[#] PushInternetEngine_1_0_19173030_00  
[#] QuickGPS_1_01_19153726_05  
[#] RandomAccess_4_1_19163625_0  
[#] Redial_1_3_0_0  
[#] ResourceProxy_1_0_19162229_00  
[#] Rhodium_S_ConnectionSetup_WVGA  
[#] Rhodium_W_WM65_Arcsoft_MMS_VZW_WVGA  
[#] Rhodium_W_WM65_LockScreenAppLauncher_Default_Skin  
[#] RingtonePlugin_1_0_19143328_00  
[#] RSSHub_2_1_1_1091_03  
[#] RunCC_1_1_6_0  
[#] SensorSDK_4_0_19191432_00  
[#] SetVoiceOnlyUI_1_10_0_0  
[#] SharedModules_1_01_19143331_03  
[#] SharedResource_1_0_19201926_00  
[#] ShowPhoneNo_1_21_0_0  
[#] SignatureReplace_1_2_0_0  
[#] SIMSecurity_1_14_0_0  
[#] SIM_MGR_6_73_0_0  
[#] SlidingSound_1_2_4_0  
[#] SMSInboxThreading_1_37_0_0  
[#] SMSRetry_Service_1_17_0_1  
[#] STK_Service_4_91_0_0  
[#] STK_UIPPC_4_71_0_0  
[#] STK_Worldphone_Reg_1_0_0_0  
[#] StorageLow_1_0_0_2  
[#] StreamingMedia_3_1_19183421_01  
[#] StreamingSrcFilter_2_7_19143024_00  
[#] TaskManager_2_1_19183631_17  
[#] Teeter_1_6_19192931_00  
[#] TimeZoneAutoFix_1_0_19202528_00  
[#] TouchOptions_1_0_19171631_00  
[#] TVOutPopUp_1_2_19142724_0  
[#] TVOutSetting_2_14_0_1  
[#] USBToPCPopUp_2_2_19143124_0  
[#] USBtoPC_1_25_0_0  
[#] USSD_Service_4_34_0_1  
[#] VoiceRecorder_1_10_19171120_1  
[#] VolumeControl_2_1_19163532_0  
[#] Wi-FiWizard_1_17_0_0  
[#] WiFiSettings_1_2_5_0  
[#] Windows Live PKG  
[#] WLANSettings_2_6_4_0  
[#] YouTube_2_6_19194025_00  
[#] zlibce_m_1_2_3_0  
[#] zzMightyROM_Icons  
[#] zzMightyROM_Provision  
[#] zzMightyROM_Repair_SYS  
[#] zz_MightyROM  
[#] zz_Other  
November 16th[/B][B], 2009[/B]
[**] All Previous MightyROM Releases have been deemed [B]unsafe[/B] to tether. 
Please update your firmware immediately as I will not be responsible for tethering charges.

This latest release is guaranteed tethering safe 100%

[B]November 15th[/B][B], 2009[/B]
[+] Social_Networks_Engine_1_1_19202626_00
[#] New Rom Update Utility (Improved Flashing/Resolves Random Hard Resets)
[#] Fixed Power Settings Image Glitches
[#] New Facebook / Youtube Uploading Features
[#] New Sprint Provisioning [Thanks Juggalo_X]
[#] New Verizon Provisioning [Thanks Juggalo_X]
[#] Sprint TV Support [Thanks Juggalo_X]
[#] Sprint MMS Support [Thanks Juggalo_X]
[#] Verizon MMS Support [Thanks Juggalo_X]
[#] Other Minor Fixes Throughout OS
November 10th[/B][B], 2009[/B]
[+] Album_3_2_19172629_0_JX
[+] Menu_Enhancement_1_1_19202527_00
[#] Fixed Email Account Wizard
[#] Fixed "Albums" Softkey
[#] Fixed Selection Highlights Within HTC Menu's[B]

November 09th[/B][B], 2009[/B]
[#] MightyROM Customized Carrier Provisioning [JMZ + MightyMike Creation]
[#] Album_3_2_19201925_1_JX
[#] Social_Networks_Engine
[#] Facebook Uploading Via HTC Album
[#] Youtube Uploading Via HTC Album
[#] CDMA_RSSI Custom [Thanks Nico4K]
[#] L.E.D Notification Blink Fixed
[#] Manila Flip Clock Twitch Fixed
[#] ATDbglog Radio Output Disabled
[#] Faster End-Call Speed Tweak
[#] Improved Performance [Recommendations Courtesy of Malatesta]
[#] Windows Live Notifications Included In Sounds & Notifications
[+] aGPSConfirmation_1_0_19183131_05
[+] TimeZoneAutoFix_1_0_19193928_00
[+] zzMightyROM_Provision
[+] zzROMUpdate_November
[-] EnableNitz
[-] TMail.exe/Bootlauncher
October 29th, 2009[/B]
[~] Windows Phone Platform
[~] Initial Release Log
[#] AdobePDF_2_5_1_0_378273_01B  
[#] AdvancedNetwork_1_0_12_0  
[#] aGPSConfirmation_1_0_19183131_04  
[#] Album_3_0_19192033_0  
[#] AppServiceMsg_1_12_0_0  
[#] App_Service_1_72_0_2  
[#] AudioBooster_2_2_19174121_0  
[#] AudioManager_Eng_1_7_19181424_h  
[#] BluetoothSetting_2_11_1_1  
[#] BootLauncher_1_0_19152530_1  
[#] ButtonSetting_3_17_0_0  
[#] Calculator_1_0_19172021_00  
[#] Camera_6_17_35696_0  
[#] ClearStorage_1_42_0_0  
[#] CMBandSwitching_1_0_0_0  
[#] CMInternetSharing_1_1_1_2  
[#] CMPhone_1_2_0_2  
[#] CMPin_1_3_2_0  
[#] CM_Guardian_Service_1_20_0_0  
[#] CommManager_2_9_11_0  
[#] ConcurrenceMgr_1_5_19142726_00  
[#] ConnectionSetup_3_1_19192630_00  
[#] ContactUtilityEngine_1_0_19182924_0000  
[#] DataDisconnect_1_14_0_0  
[#] DelWMPTempFolder_1_10_0_0  
[#] DeviceInfo_1_39_0_2  
[#] DRMMiddleware_1_5_19142824_00  
[#] DShow_2_0_19191728_01  
[#] EnableNitz_1_10_0_1  
[#] EnlargeStartMenu_1_2_37901_2  
[#] EPST_4_67_0_0  
[#] ExtNewPhoneSetting_1_0_1917_2021  
[#] FacebookEngine_1_0_19184127_00  
[#] FieldTrial_4_23_0_1  
[#] Field_T_e_s_t_2_19_0_0  
[#] FlashLiteShareDLL_1_0_19191932_0  
[#] Fuart_1_14_0_1  
[#] FullScreenPlayer_1_6_19173924_00  
[#] GoogleLocationService_1_0_1_12R1  
[#] GPS_GMM_3_2_116_0  
[#] GSensorCalibrator_1_1_18212730_4  
[#] HACSetting_1_0_2_1  
[#] HTCAnimation_1_3_5_0  
[#] HTCApplication_1_14_1_0  
[#] HTCFontLink_1_0_19132133_1  
[#] HTCFramework_1_1_19191322_00  
[#] HTCGeoService_1_0_19192827_00  
[#] HTCMessage_1_07_281_2  
[#] HTCScroll_2_0_19153028_1  
[#] HTCSettings_1_4_3_0  
[#] HTCStartUp_1_7_0_0  
[#] HTCUtil_4_12_0_2  
[#] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19183811_30  
[#] IME_Engine_Western_2_1_19192727_00  
[#] IME_EzInput_Western_2_1_19191320_00  
[#] IME_Tutorial_1_0_19193423_00  
[#] InvokeSIMMgr_1_12_0_1  
[#] LaunchDMRouter_1_10_0_1  
[#] LockScreenAppLauncher_1_0_1918_3824  
[#] LockStreamDRM_1_2_081216_O9_05  
[#] Manila_2_1_19193517_2  
[#] MediaToolkit_1_0_19181324_00  
[#] MenuEnhancement_1_0_19174130_01  
[#] Message_Enhancement_1_1_19173323_01  
[#] mHubVO_1_77_090609_X0  
[#] MicrophoneAGC_0_91_0_6  
[#] Microsoft MyPhone  
[#] ModeSwitchMsg_1_25_0_0  
[#] ModeSwitchRIL_1_10_0_0  
[#] MS_Facebook_1_1 
[#] Mute_1_1_2_0  
[#] MyCPL_3_13_0_6  
[#] NewContactCard_1_0_19182221_02  
[#] NewMailAccount_1_11_0_1  
[#] No2Chem_FastCharge  
[#] Notification_Enhancement_2_0_1919_1427  
[#] Opera_Browser_9_50_17775_0  
[#] PhoneCanvas_5_27_0_0  
[#] Phonecanvas_MASD_3_40_1917_3832  
[#] PhoneExt_Service_2_46_0_0  
[#] PhoneSetting_1_34_0_1  
[#] PictureEnhancement_1_50_19171326_00  
[#] PKG_1_1_0_0  
[#] PowerOffWarning_2_13_0_0  
[#] Power_3_4_0_3  
[#] Power_Service_2_23_0_0  
[#] PushInternetEngine_1_0_19173030_00  
[#] QuickGPS_1_01_19153726_05  
[#] RandomAccess_4_1_19163625_0  
[#] Redial_1_3_0_0  
[#] ResourceProxy_1_0_19151630_00  
[#] Rhodium_S_ConnectionSetup_WVGA  
[#] Rhodium_S_LockScreenAppLauncher_Default_Skin  
[#] Rhodium_S_SimContactImport_WVGA  
[#] RingtonePlugin_1_0_19161525_00  
[#] RSSHub_2_1_1_1101_RP_02  
[#] RunCC_1_1_6_0  
[#] SensorSDK_4_0_19191432_00  
[#] SharedModules_1_01_19143331_00  
[#] ShowPhoneNo_1_21_0_0  
[#] SignatureReplace_1_2_0_0  
[#] SimContactImport_3_4_19191429_00  
[#] SIMLock_4_26_0_2  
[#] SIMSecurity_1_14_0_0  
[#] SIM_MGR_6_73_0_0  
[#] SlidingSound_1_2_4_0  
[#] SMSInboxThreading_1_36_0_0  
[#] SMSRetry_Service_1_17_0_1  
[#] STK_Service_4_91_0_0  
[#] STK_UIPPC_4_71_0_0  
[#] StorageLow_1_0_0_2  
[#] StreamingMedia_3_1_19183421_01  
[#] StreamingSrcFilter_2_7_19162918_00  
[#] TaskManager_2_1_19183631_17  
[#] Teeter_1_6_19183821_00  
[#] TimeZoneAutoFix_1_0_19192032_00  
[#] TouchOptions_1_0_19161330_01  
[#] TVOutPopUp_1_2_19142724_0  
[#] TVOutSetting_2_14_0_1  
[#] USBToPCPopUp_2_2_19143124_1  
[#] USBtoPC_1_24_0_2  
[#] USSD_Service_4_34_0_1  
[#] VoiceRecorder_1_10_19171120_1  
[#] VolumeControl_2_1_19163532_0  
[#] Wi-FiWizard_1_20_0_1  
[#] WiFiSettings_1_2_5_0  
[#] Windows Live PKG  
[#] WLANSettings_2_6_4_0  
[#] YouTube_2_6_19174121_00  
[#] zlibce_m_1_2_3_0  
[#] zzMightyROM_EXT  
[#] zzMightyROM_Icons  
[#] zzMightyROM_LockScreen  
[#] zzMightyROM_Purian  
[#] zzMightyROM_Repair_SYS  
[#] zzMightyROM_TSK  
[#] zzMightyROM_Twitter

LilRico's MightyROM Rhodium Themes


[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]MightyROM Rhodium Themes:[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][B]Guaranteed to work exclusively on MightyROM releases [B]only[/B][/B]
[X] MightyROM Rhodium MidNight Blue II - [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/mightyromblog/?page_id=7"]Download[/URL][/COLOR]

[CENTER]The template has been made... More are coming soon!

Software & Addons

  [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Sprint .cabs:[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREY] [X] Sprint Navigation - Ver. 2_1_40_0 - [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/Sprint%20Nav%202_1_40_0.cab"]Download[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=GREY] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Verizon .cabs:[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREY] [COLOR=GREY]------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY] [X] MightyROM Verizon Keyboard Layout - [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/MightyROM%20Verizon%20Keyboard%20Layout.cab"]Download[/URL][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY] [X] JooJooBee Arcsoft MMS for VZW - [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/JooJooBee%20Arcsoft%20MMS%20for%20VZW%"]Download[/URL][/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY] [COLOR=GREY]------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY] [X] MightyROM Manila Start Menu - [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/MightyROM%20Manila%20Start%20Menu.cab"]Download[/URL][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
  [COLOR=Gray](Replaces Traditional 6.5 Start Menu With HTC's)
[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray] [X] MightyROM Black Slider -[/COLOR] [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/MightyROM%20Black%20Slider.cab"]Download[/URL]
[COLOR=Gray] [X] MightyROM Sense UI stock background -[/COLOR] [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/MightyROM%20Sense%20UI%20stock%20background.cab"]Download[/URL]
 [COLOR=Gray] (Reverts themed backgrounds back to stock)
[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray] [X] Apristel BG4ALL - Animated weather home tab -[/COLOR] [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/Apristel%20BG4ALL%20-%20Animated%20Weather.cab"]Download[/URL]
 [COLOR=Gray] (Background for all tabs. Keeps animations no matter what background you use.)
[COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY] [COLOR=GREY]------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY] [X] MightyROM Device Lock - [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/MightyROM%20Device%20Lock.cab"]Download[/URL]
  (Add Lock Device Feature To Right Softkey)[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY] [X] Flip Clock Fix by Apristel - [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/Apristel%20Flip%20Clock%20Fix.cab"]Download[/URL]
  (Stops the flip clock going back an hour and 2 minutes for animation)[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY][COLOR=GREY] [X] MP3 Trimmer by Mari - [URL="http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/RhodiumW/Addon%20Software/MP3Trimmer.cab"]Download[/URL][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]


Original Link:
Download here :
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: Re Re Re MightyROM Rhodium

Just flashed this badboy from NRG'z LEO ROM.... I wasnt feeling that one, so lets see what Mighty has cooking....
Re: Re Re Re Re MightyROM Rhodium

This ROM may be basic, but its great on memory, responsive and a beast! Loving it so far.... Ill post my results as I encounter issues.
Re: Re Re Re Re MightyROM Rhodium

This ROM may be basic, but its great on memory, responsive and a beast! Loving it so far.... Ill post my results as I encounter issues.

yup i noticed the same thast this rom was very smooth...... wasnt made to have the flash straight out besides the senseui look with the clock and such seen on the hero, leo, etc
Re: Re Re Re Re MightyROM Rhodium

Correct me if I am worng, but I believe Juicy has SENSE UI, but it still has this look with TOUCH FLO... Pretty much, i think Juicy has this same one, but with Sense UI
Re: MightyROM Rhodium

the only thing I have found so far is that the battery icon on the top right corner NEVER drops below FULLY CHARGED. Like right now my batteries level is really at 50%, but it shows full... :-(
Re Re Re Re MightyROM Rhodium

Try this...then do a soft reset

I already tried that prior to posting... it didnt do anything... it was a very small file.

--------- New Post Merged on 31/10/2009 at 09:07:10 --------

since i figured that didnt work, i actually just removed it and and soft reseted and now its working... weird, but its working now...lol
Last edited:
Re Re Re Re Re MightyROM Rhodium

I already tried that prior to posting... it didnt do anything... it was a very small file.

--------- New Post Merged on 31/10/2009 at 09:07:10 --------

since i figured that didnt work, i actually just removed it and and soft reseted and now its working... weird, but its working now...lol

Oh snap I did sorry for the double post....I am going to flash my phone with Mike Rom..I am going to see what the problem...I could say Flash again..Does not hurt to try..Right?

--------- New Post Merged on 31/10/2009 at 09:09:29 --------

I already tried that prior to posting... it didnt do anything... it was a very small file.

--------- New Post Merged on 31/10/2009 at 09:07:10 --------

since i figured that didnt work, i actually just removed it and and soft reseted and now its working... weird, but its working now...lol

Wow you took the idea right out of my mind...

Attachments for Mighty ROM

Hope this work out.
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