The images are in /var/luna/data/browser/icons . For the "built-in" bookmarks, there are 3 files each:
I'm not happy with the way the Pre tries to make images for you, so I created some of my own. (I also use a better naming convention for the files).
To add your own images:
1. Copy the default bookmark images from /var/luna/data/browser/images to you PC (use WinSCP or copy them to /media/internal and then use the USB cable). They make good templates for creating new images.
2. Create some new images. Here are mine for
3. Copy the images to your Pre under /var/luna/data/browser/images .
4. Become root and make your filesystem read-write:
5. Open the bookmark database with the sqlite utility:
6. Add a bookmark, save, and exit sqlite:
Note: the bookmarks are keyed on title, so if you already have a bookmark titled "CNN", the above code will simply update the existing bookmark.
To view all you bookmarks in the database:
originally found here:
bookmark-icon-{name}.png - 32x32 px icon you see in the bookmark list
{name}-bookmark-icon.png - 64x64 px icon that doesn't seem to appear anywhere
{name}-bookmark-thumbnail.png - 90x120 px thumbnail that appears when you start the browser
I'm not happy with the way the Pre tries to make images for you, so I created some of my own. (I also use a better naming convention for the files).
To add your own images:
1. Copy the default bookmark images from /var/luna/data/browser/images to you PC (use WinSCP or copy them to /media/internal and then use the USB cable). They make good templates for creating new images.
2. Create some new images. Here are mine for
3. Copy the images to your Pre under /var/luna/data/browser/images .
4. Become root and make your filesystem read-write:
$ sudo -i
# rootfs_open -w
5. Open the bookmark database with the sqlite utility:
# /usr/bin/sqlite3 /var/palm/data/
6. Add a bookmark, save, and exit sqlite:
sqlite> begin transaction;
sqlite> insert into bookmarks (url,title,defaultEntry,iconFile32,iconFile64,thumbnailFile)
values ('','CNN',1,'/var/luna/data/browser/icons/cnn-icon32.png','/var/luna/data/browser/icons/cnn-icon64.png','/var/luna/data/browser/icons/cnn-thumbnail.png');
sqlite> commit;
sqlite> .exit
Note: the bookmarks are keyed on title, so if you already have a bookmark titled "CNN", the above code will simply update the existing bookmark.
To view all you bookmarks in the database:
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> select * from bookmarks;
- id - numeric ID
- url - URL
- title - Title
- date - numeric representing the date-time the bookmark was added
- parent - ?
- idx - numeric controlling sort order of the bookmarks (when two or more bookmarks have the same idx value, the browser sorts on title)
- defaultEntry - numeric: 0 for bookmarks you add through the browser, 1 for "built-in" bookmarks (Pre won't mess with the images)
- iconFile32 - path to the 32x32 px icon
- iconFile64 - path to the 64x64 px icon
- visitCount - number of times you selected the bookmark
- thumbnameFile - path to the thumnail
- lastVisited - numeric representing the date-time last time you selected the bookmark
- startIdx - ?
originally found here: