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hey guys, sorry that i haven't been on too much lately.... had to move back to grand rapids because my mom wasn't doing good and kept getting pneumonia. my dad works third shifts so no one would be there with her at night... so i moved back :> just getting resituated in my old stomping grounds and will be getting on like my normal here again in a day or so.... be prepared for some mass loads of goodies here soon :>
hey guys, sorry that i haven't been on too much lately.... had to move back to grand rapids because my mom wasn't doing good and kept getting pneumonia. my dad works third shifts so no one would be there with her at night... so i moved back :> just getting resituated in my old stomping grounds and will be getting on like my normal here again in a day or so.... be prepared for some mass loads of goodies here soon :>

no worries dash, you gotta do what you gotta do and family definitely comes first. Hope your mom gets better bro and I can't wait to see those goodies
Take your time bro and do what you gotta do for moms. We got this stuff held down:) Gotta make sure your mom is as well and comfortable as possible. don't even let this stuff worry ya, we got your back brotha:)
Dash i hope your mom gets better soon,, I am glad that you are in michigan again, i feel happy again that u are in my state....

hi dash yes family definitely comes first. Hope your mom gets better soon thats whats family is about taking care of are love ones.

AMJ Bulletin@AMJ

thanks for keeping us posted... and moms it first ALWAYS so do what you gotta do.... holla if u need me.

Take your time bro and do what you gotta do for moms. We got this stuff held down:) Gotta make sure your mom is as well and comfortable as possible. don't even let this stuff worry ya, we got your back brotha:)

Hope your mom gets better. Like everyone said, family ALWAYS comes first.

thanks guys yeah the doctors dont have any clue why she keeps getting all the fluids in her lungs but they keep filling up within 1 week or so after recovering from the last case..... but in a way it feels good to be back home and a lot cheaper lmao... will miss sprint and my career with them but as you all have covered family comes first..... thanks for the support and the help in manning the site while i am gettting situated......

love ya guys
dash get your mom all better again, and congradulate your dad for being a real man and working hard in times like these!

yeah for sure thank you :> he was a cop for 26 years and got to retire at age 44.. he is now doing security at the hospital i used to work at and got me back in the place since i had to move back..... its all good though and once again thanks for all the support.
I give your dad alot of credit for 26 years, iI was a cop in the big d for 10 years and enough was enough so I did career change...dont really regret it either...
hey guys, sorry that i haven't been on too much lately.... had to move back to grand rapids because my mom wasn't doing good and kept getting pneumonia. my dad works third shifts so no one would be there with her at night... so i moved back :> just getting resituated in my old stomping grounds and will be getting on like my normal here again in a day or so.... be prepared for some mass loads of goodies here soon :>

yo dash...take care of the family man...don't even stress about AMJ...we have a big staff family and even the members are great supporters...plus we got to catch up to you...but relax and take of the family!!!
hope your mom gets well D/\sh.....It's good to see that you went back to take care of her. She should know that she has a wonderful caring son!!! Hope all goes well and you situate back home. As Iceman said we all have you covered staff and members, but we do miss you :) .....prayers for your mom. Can't wait for the surprise goodies.
Take good care of your mom Dashy...and just say no to snow removal! :)

"I like snow except for the way it grows" An homage to Ogden Nash I wrote when I was 15 years old....