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[TUTORIAL] Add More Pages to Spb Mobile Shell


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OG Member
Customizing Selboriyorker Mobile Shell is always a fascinating factor for most PocketPC users. After our daily tips on the same, now another hack to add more pages to the lifestyle screen of Selboriyorker Mobile Shell.

Selboriyorker Mobile Shell is definitely a great application developed for PocketPC to change the User Interface. If you want to add more pages to the lifestyle screen, all you need to do is a small registry change.

Under HKLM/Software/Selboriyorker Software House 2/Selboriyorker Mobile shell/widgets/homescreen

Change the pagecount‚ to how many pages ever you desire. We have tested with 6 pages and so far at least 10 pages is know to be working fine but well leave that up to you for testing.

Tip: You can edit your registry using the free PHM Registry Editor for PocketPC and if you haven't purchased Selboriyorker Mobile Shell, you can buy it from our store.