Have you ever been somewhere and had a tune in your head that you just had to hear but it was on your home pc?
AmpachPre is the worlds first front end for webOS to the great Web-based Audio file manager / web Media Server Ampache.
Just setup a web server, install Ampache, enter your account info into AmpachPre and login.
Search for artists, albums or songs.
With AmpachPre you have your entire music library at your fingertips.
Have you ever been somewhere and had a tune in your head that you just had to hear but it was on your home pc?
AmpachPre is the worlds first front end for webOS to the great Web-based Audio file manager / web Media Server Ampache.
Just setup a web server, install Ampache, enter your account info into AmpachPre and login.
Search for artists, albums or songs.
With AmpachPre you have your entire music library at your fingertips.
1. Install a LAMP, WAMP or MAMP server.
Basically you need the apache web server with php and mySQL.
for simplicity install it to C:/xampp
2. Grab a copy of Ampache 3.5.1.
(This app will NOT work with previous versions.)
You can find Installation instructions for Ampache here.
Open your web browser and type
This will start the configuration of ampache.
3. Enable the API by adding a access list via the instructions here. or
a. Extract the ampache archive to C:/xampp/htdocs/ampache
b. Start the web server if not already started.
c. Start your internet browser and type this into the address bar.
You should now be presented with ampache's configuration screen.
d. Create a database with the root username and password you created in xampp's installation.
e. Create a username and password for ampache.
f. When prompted to download ampache.php.cfg, save it in to C://xampp/htdocs/ampache/config
g. Now you can log in to ampache as the username you created in ampaches setup. Not the database user. the administrator user.
h. goto the little icon that looks like a pc in the left corner, click on add acl Name it what ever you want.
4. Enter a account you made in the accounts section of the application menu on AmpachPre, then click save.b. Start the web server if not already started.
c. Start your internet browser and type this into the address bar.
You should now be presented with ampache's configuration screen.
d. Create a database with the root username and password you created in xampp's installation.
e. Create a username and password for ampache.
f. When prompted to download ampache.php.cfg, save it in to C://xampp/htdocs/ampache/config
g. Now you can log in to ampache as the username you created in ampaches setup. Not the database user. the administrator user.
h. goto the little icon that looks like a pc in the left corner, click on add acl Name it what ever you want.
NAME : AmpachPre
LEVEL: all
USER: all
REMOTE KEY: leave blank
LEVEL: all
USER: all
REMOTE KEY: leave blank
5. Tap login then search.
/*TODO: Custom Stream Scene.*/ half way done in 1.5
TODO: Video support. /*mp4 videos will not show up in ampaches api search.*/
TODO: SSL support.
TODO: clean up he interface /*its better now*/
TODO: add a save custom play list feature
TODO: complete the streaming scene.
Known Issues:
2. Videos do not play as i couldnt get mp4's to show up in the api filter.
3. Audio stops when leaving the streaming scene. By design for now, I plan on changing this.
4. There is no notification on the song streaming. You just have to trust its downloading. You should get a error if there is a error though.
- added support for multiple accounts
- fixed login timestamp
- Added album playlist and a custom playlist builder.
- Added a custom Streaming interface.
- Added option to play with the Pre's built in media streamer or AmpachPres streamer for those who enabled downloads in the browser.
(Play lists will NOT work with the Pre's web streamer) - Cleaned up the account interface.
- Added command menus on each scene for easier navigation.
- Took out album art on album search for faster rendering.
- Added some error reporting for non mp3 files.
- Added the mime type to the songs scene.
- Fixed a few small bugs.
- Left in the video scene in case someone can get mp4's to show up in the api filter to test it.
- Added different play modes. repeat, repeat all and shuffle
- Changed account/login system. (It is recommended you re-enter your account info so you can name your accounts.)
- Ampachpre has a new look. Let me know what ya think. Make sure you delete any older version in order for the new icon to update.
- fixed some bugs and optimized code a little bit.
- Added album of the moment
- moved all eventlisteners to the activate and deactivate functions. (should improve performance)
- removed type from the songs list. no ned for this really if you have transcoding on.
- changed the backdrop and icon once again. Sorry I wasnt happy with the others.
- Formated the Time in the Songs list Play list and Now Playing finally.
- Added a timer to the now playing scene.
- Added error reporting to a few of the play back errors.
- Fixed a bug that would crash AmpachPre on back gesture at the search scene.
- Tweaked the random play algorithm a little.
- Changed the style of the search field.
- Enter or on text property change now submits a search. (working on getting just enter to submit)
- Created a ping event which should keep the session alive longer.
- on the search scene, just start typing to bring the search field into focus.
- Any key press on the now playing scene will pause/play the audio.
- A few changes here and there to styles.
- fixed a bug with the account editor. Thanks imekul.
Playlist editor Changes:
- Added "swipe to playlist" in the songs/albums/artists scenes.
Instead of tapping to add to playlist just swipe it off the screen and watch it/them magically appear in the playlist
Swipe an entire collection by artist, album or individual songs!! - Added swipe to delete in playlist scene
- Added drag to reorder playlist item
- Added total playlist runtime
- removed selection confirmation on songs scenes.
Swipe to add to playlist, tap to play from selection through the rest of the album. - fixed search songs not formatting time.
- Added ability to skip songs by flick or command.
if the currently playing track is 10 seconds or less into the song the previous command or right flick will go back one track.
if the song currently playing is greater then 10 seconds the current track will restart. - set a 2 second pause between skips so the server has less chance of getting overloaded with connections from multiple skips.
- The playmode and play command menu is now disabled between all track switches.
- Added wired headset controls
single click plays/pauses
double click skips to next song
hold for 4 seconds for previous song or restart current track. - Added bluetooth controls
Play and pause do the same thing. One hit will pause, another hit will play.
(this is how my car stereo works and I have no other testing gear.)
Added controls for stop next and prev(my stereo has no stop, so if you can test this I would appreciate it - Moved the track info. aka time, duration, artist name and track number.
- made artist search return only the artist searched on albums with multiple artists
search album to get soundtracks and multi-compilation albums. - made skip choose a random song if you are in random mode.
- fixed a bug that caused error decode while loading the song. hopefully
- fixed a bug that crashed ampachpre on back gesture from the stream scene before the song started playing.
- Worked on the list styles a little bit.
Version 0.7.0 (Beta) (10/29/2009)
* New Feature: Now Playing, now playing screen will now continue playing after navigating away from the now playing page
o Any list of songs can be enqueued onto the end of the current playlist
o Tap and Hold a song to add just that song
o Delete the now playing list from any scene
o TODO: Build a playlist editor to remove items from a list
* New Feature: Random Music
o Shuffle all Songs NOTE: This is using an documented method from the Ampache Server and does not allow for retrieval of song information.
o Random Album Selector cover-flow like to allow random browsing
o Artist, Albums, Songs of the moment lists
* New Feature: Redesign of progress indicator for loading content, works the same as the web browser and you can cancel while loading at any point.
* New Feature: Added the ability to e-mail the xml from problem tracks with corrupted tags to enable easier debug
* Improvement: Auto restart stalled stream after 20 seconds of stalled state.
* Improvement: Optimized all images included in the ipk making for a much smaller download.
o NOTE: If you are using the included backgrounds you will need to reset
you settings.
* Improvement: Modified all icons to have the same look and feel.
* Improvement: Spinner on now playing scene is now in the command menu and not covering up the cover art.
* Improvement: Made restarting a partially downloaded list optional, button click continues download
* Improvement: Removed all scene transitions makes the app much faster
* Improvement: Fixed the buffering indicator
o Can now move the slider outside the buffered part of a song and it will start the download from the point you dropped
o If the start of the buffer has been deleted by the audio service it will now be displayed
o Fixed the issue where it would resize itself and make the now playing screen jump around
* Bug Fix: Added code to remove bad characters resulting in "unicode error" on the application side
License Info:
AmpachPre version 1.6 is under the Creative Commons-No Derivative license.
Future versions are yet undetermined
i take no credit for this app and the original thread can be found here:
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