Apple on Palm Pre iTunes Sync


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apple responds to PREs ability to sync w/ itunes make sure to tell your PRE ITUNES customers to disable automatic software updates for ITUNES it appears there will be an Apple patch in the future that prevents PRE from syncing wirelessly w/ Itunes that is until PALM updates PRE software to Sync again! Check this link out for more infor...
hahaha i was reading about this the other day ad i find it hilarious that they are going to be going back and fourth constantly doing this.... and if not mistaking i think a developer built an app that all you have to do is run with they patch it and it will allow you to connect :) ill have to look into that some more and stop neglecting my pre so much like i have been lately since still recovering.
Yeah...if you just don't do the iTune upgrades it should be fine. But that patch would be better so you actually could stay up to date and STILL sync your iTunes. I think this will be a war! Palm is using it as a selling point, and does not wont Apple taking it away. Plus, why the fuss apple?? Blackberries can sync iTunes as well so get over it...freaking cry babies don't know how to act when competition arrives and looks them in the face with an attitude...Wait until the Pre hits 3rd generation!!! This is only round 1 my friends!
Yeah...if you just don't do the iTune upgrades it should be fine. But that patch would be better so you actually could stay up to date and STILL sync your iTunes. I think this will be a war! Palm is using it as a selling point, and does not wont Apple taking it away. Plus, why the fuss apple?? Blackberries can sync iTunes as well so get over it...freaking cry babies don't know how to act when competition arrives and looks them in the face with an attitude...Wait until the Pre hits 3rd generation!!! This is only round 1 my friends!

you said it all right there in the last line....... they are about to release yet again another iphone..... think of when they expand the webos and have more time, feedback, apps, and a name for funding to work with..... they will be a beast and as of now apple knows they are fine but with the rapid growth and the development that is already coming quick apple knpows that in the near future they will be in trouble and have their device really have compition with all the talk in the mobile world.