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AT&T 8525 Mod?


I want to get the most out of this phone..U guys seems that youve mastered everything about this phone changing the today functions to dialer slkins and various programs..how can i educate myself on how to mod my phone. I have all the time in the world and I would like to learn. My cousin was able to turn his icons into mario characters and so much more stuff. Any advice?
I want to get the most out of this phone..U guys seems that youve mastered everything about this phone changing the today functions to dialer slkins and various programs..how can i educate myself on how to mod my phone. I have all the time in the world and I would like to learn. My cousin was able to turn his icons into mario characters and so much more stuff. Any advice?

most htc phones are very similar. you can download any windows mobile 6 app for the phone that you want onto it. the icons are easy to change. just read through the threads in the mogul and the touch sections since most of them are the same and will work. also you can get the cube for your phone also. there is a lot that you can do with the phone and is too much to explain in a thread. just read through the help desk areas even in the other phones and that will explain a lot for you. and any additional questions feel free to make a thread and we will answer them for you. Thanks
I have an sim unlocked MPV 3100. I found a new HTC WM6 upgrade on their Australian web site for their version, the Dopod 838 Pro. Can I install this on my MPV 3100, will it work? Thanks in advance.
I have an sim unlocked MPV 3100. I found a new HTC WM6 upgrade on their Australian web site for their version, the Dopod 838 Pro. Can I install this on my MPV 3100, will it work? Thanks in advance.

no romsd are for certain phones. and please dont hijack the mans thread. his was for the 8525 mods and yours is the mpv 3100 please make your own thread in the future. only warning. Thanks
Thanks for the answer and sorry for the post in the wrong place. I was trying to find where it should be put up and thought the two phone were similar, guess not. Won't make that mistake again.