T thenewone Registered Jul 20, 2009 Thread Owner : thenewone #1 thought this was cool and wanted to share. It allows you to listen to police and fire scanners from around the world on your blackberry. sorry no screen shots , but it's a simple interface. Storm users disable compatibility mode. Attachments berryscanner.rar berryscanner.rar 28.2 KB · Views: 16
thought this was cool and wanted to share. It allows you to listen to police and fire scanners from around the world on your blackberry. sorry no screen shots , but it's a simple interface. Storm users disable compatibility mode.
A austinator Blackberry Dude Jul 20, 2009 #2 After I try this personally, would it be ok with you if I put a link to it in the Massive Blackberry App Thread??? I don't mean to rip it off from you, but it could be a very fun app to add.
After I try this personally, would it be ok with you if I put a link to it in the Massive Blackberry App Thread??? I don't mean to rip it off from you, but it could be a very fun app to add.
D D/\SH Owner - Staff Jul 20, 2009 #3 austinator said: After I try this personally, would it be ok with you if I put a link to it in the Massive Blackberry App Thread??? I don't mean to rip it off from you, but it could be a very fun app to add. Click to expand... yeah thats cool and no troubles add away whatever you think is best go for it... and if you ever need anything added to the first post just ask in the threasd and it will get done when someone with access to do so sees it.
austinator said: After I try this personally, would it be ok with you if I put a link to it in the Massive Blackberry App Thread??? I don't mean to rip it off from you, but it could be a very fun app to add. Click to expand... yeah thats cool and no troubles add away whatever you think is best go for it... and if you ever need anything added to the first post just ask in the threasd and it will get done when someone with access to do so sees it.