Blackberry Graduate Program


SPJ Supporter/Promoter
So for those of you who don't know, I work at Sprint and I just wanted to share some info I had that Blackberry is offering right now for new or exsisting customers. It is similar to D/\sh's Best Buy/Mogul Thread. I am not a Blackberry person myself, but I believe this could be benificial to anyone who is. Ok, so here's the way it works. . .
What Blackberry is offering is they will BUY back your OLD phone(no matter which make/model/carrier.etc) plus give you $50.00 on top of that for just typing in "GRADUATE" as the promo code. Not bad actually, especially if your old phone is a descent one. I was checking out some of the prices they were offering for trading in your old phone (it depends on the condition as well) and were some pretty generous quotes. Basically, you either have to upgrade (for exisitng customers) or become a new customer. After you have purchased your blackberry phone ( via upgrade or new activation ) , you just need to go to "" and follow the steps and fill out the details (name/make/model/condition/etc) and they will give you an offer for the old device as well as $50.00 added to that and your total. To get the extra %50.00 just remember "GRADUATE" is the promo code. After that, if you except they send you the money and that's a wrap. Hope this helps somebody, doesn't really benifit me, but I thought I would share it in hopes that if someone is considering buying a blackberry anytime soon they can get a lil extra with this and maybe cut down the cost as well.
Just an FYI the BB Curves went down in price and this program still exist which makes for a pretty good damn deal. Just thought I'd share the info on that, BB Curves came down $50.00 and even more in some stores! Still get $100.00 rebate and STILL get $50.00 for this program + whatever you get for trading your phone..hell BB in most cases will end up paying you to get the damn phone, lol. So if you like BB's then now is the time my friend... However, I'm sticking with Winmo fo sho!
Just an FYI the BB Curves went down in price and this program still exist which makes for a pretty good damn deal. Just thought I'd share the info on that, BB Curves came down $50.00 and even more in some stores! Still get $100.00 rebate and STILL get $50.00 for this program + whatever you get for trading your phone..hell BB in most cases will end up paying you to get the damn phone, lol. So if you like BB's then now is the time my friend... However, I'm sticking with Winmo fo sho!

Yo johnny i think it would be a great idea if u started a thread on sprint discounts and info so that AMJ knows whats going on u know .
10-4, will def do that...I suppose that would be a great idea and helpful to a lot of peeps here. I will start one in discussion area free talk, as well as tutorials on fixes and software updates. Now that I think about there is a lot to post and it will be a constant feed of info so thanks for the idea idky I haven't already done so.