BlockDrop Version 1.0.2
If you have 0.3.8 or less I strongly recommend updating to 1.0.3
This is a big update which includes > 0.5.0, 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2 Look at the log below for more details.
0.4.1 Fixed/Added the following features
0.3.5 Updates
History of releases
0.3.3 Fixed/Added the following features
0.3.0 Fixed/Added the following features
Version 0.2.7
0.2.6 Fixed/Added the following features
Version 0.2.5!
Pretris 2.0:
Fixes on this version:
Old History of releases/Screenshots:
Tetris 0.1
Tetris 0.1.2
Tetris 0.1.3
Tetris 0.1.4
Tetris 0.1.5
Tetris 0.1.7
Note: To get all latest functions working do a soft reset of your pre so the memory is fresh with the latest files..
Currently working on:
++++++++++++++How to play BlockDrop ++++++++++++++++++
Choose a level to start at:
The higher the level you choose the faster the pieces fall, giving you less time to place them correctly. However, you'll be awarded more points for each completed line at higher difficulty levels. The game begins immediately so be ready to play.
Left | Q
Right | P
Down one | A or Enter
Rotate Left | W or O
Rotate Right | coming soon
Drop | Spacebar
Left and Right move the block horizontally in the play area. You can also rotate them to change the block's orientation. Down one will help bring the block down quicker, and drop will bring it all the way down with one key press.
Lastly: Try to make solid rows of pieces all the way across the game board. The rows disappear giving your points when they are completed.In BlockDrop you are given exponentially more points for completing multiple rows at a time. Try to complete up for 4 rows at one time for maximum points. That's all, very simple and fun!
Download game free:
This beta is now open until the app makes in the catalog.
You can download it from here - homewbew apps.
Click here to donate :thumbsup:
Questions: Email me directly at contact(*at)
Download updates
People that have donated before can download the latest version from this link.
History of previous releases:
see history of previous releases
i take no credit for this game and the original thread can be found here:
If you have 0.3.8 or less I strongly recommend updating to 1.0.3
This is a big update which includes > 0.5.0, 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2 Look at the log below for more details.
- Added daily, weekly and monthly and all-time high scores stats.
- Added a default message when the score list is empty.
- Added last row in score list.
- Improved scoring points
- Fixed version number on logo and support page
- Improved some graphics.
- Compressed all javascript.
- Removed expiration date (I forgot to remove it from 1.0.1)
- A lot of testing was preformed on this version to make sure everything is working correctly.
- Updated description of game on the submission page.
- Changed default app icon.
- Reduced size. New size = 1.5MB instead of 1.8MB
- Global scores: Fixed some of the UI/graphics and improved download speed of the XML feed.
- Updated credit's page
- Updated background and pause image.
- Removed some unused files.
- reduced size by almost 1,000KB. New size = 1.8MB instead of 2.8MB
- Added scene to choose between "Global scores" and "My scores"
- added ability to save scores online and compare scores with other people
- added online scores for each level
- Added lines completed, time played, date and points on highscores
- Made a new logo
- added instructions button to the welcome scene
- Redesigned the GUI for the welcome scene and New scenes
- made a new pause graphic and a new bk2 graphic.
- reduced size by almost 1,000KB. New size = 1.8MB instead of 2.8MB
- Added scene to choose between "Global scores" and "My scores"
- added ability to save scores online and compare scores with other people
- added online scores for each level
- Added lines completed, time played, date and points on highscores
- Made a new logo
- added instructions button to the welcome scene
- Redesigned the GUI for the welcome scene and New scenes
- made a new pause graphic and a new bk2 graphic.
- Fixed artwork of add score dialog.
- Fixed background of preferences on device 1.04
- High scores menu has been fixed.
- Game will pause after pushing a new scene form the device's menu. This will prevent a bug where the blocks would hand in the middle of the screen if a new scene was opened.
- Fixed "Display upcoming blocks" row in preferences scene
- Changed graphics from the game scene.
- Removed expiration date since this version is the one for the e-commerce catalog.
- Drop fall is faster.
- Cleaned up code to speed up the game processing.
- Music will pause after the game is paused.
- Removed on screen controls.
- Onlaunch: Removed welcome dialog.
- Main menu: Removed "support" item
- Main menu: Changed "Play game" to "New game"
- App menu: added "Preferences" item to all scenes.
- App menu: Enabled help on all scenes.
- How to play: Changed to floating header instead of the fixed header.
- Game Options:
- Changed title of scene to "Preferences" to match the button that launches it.
- Changed the text ON/OFF to white.
- Changed to floating header instead of the fixed header.
- Defaul controls dialog: Changed "Yes" button to "Use Default Controls‚Â
- Reset Scores dialog: Changed "Yes" button to "Delete All Scores‚Â.
- Game: After pressing the New Game‚Âbutton during the game, a dialog asking if the user really wants to quit the current appears. If the userconfirms to quit, then the difficulty selection screen appears.
- Add New score: Change the dialog title from AddNew Score‚Â to Add My Score‚Â
- Add new score : Changed Focus in the text input field to default.
- Tap To begin: Removed as suggested by Palm'S UI Review.
- Added confirmation before user exits the game with back gesture.
0.4.1 Fixed/Added the following features
- Improved gestures (They are very responsive now)
- Redesigned the 'how to play' page with detailed instructions about how to play the game with keyboard and gestures
- Fixed the add score form so that it is highlighted.
- Changed the theme to the dark style
- Corrected some coding errors and inconsistencies in the game options men.
- Onscreen buttons are turned off by default now if you never had blockdrop before.
- Added stoplistening events to prevent memory leaks.
- Cleaned up the code little more.
- Removed lame touchscreen controls from 0.3.7
- Added Gesture controls (Very happy about this)
- New gestures :
- Drag down = move down
- Drag down long = drop
- Drag left = move left
- Drag left long = move left 6 lines
- Drag right = move right
- Drag right long = move right 6 lines
- Drag perpendicular right = rotate right
- Drag perpendicular left = rotate left
- Drag down = move down
- Added back touch-screen control buttons (can be turned on/off from the settings page)
- Fixed other issues and cleaned up the code.
- Added confirmation box to the "reset scores" button in in the high-scores page.
- Fixed high scores page reset button. Scene will refresh after button is submitted.
- Changed default settings: Screen controls = On.
- Touchscreen controls work always, even if they are OFF.. They will just be invisible but still working.
- Adding "Load default settings" button in the options page.
- Added graphics next to each of the controls in the settings page.
- Moved left and right controls to the top in the settings page.
- Settings page auto re fresh after setting default game controls.
- Removed touchscreen controls. They were replaced by new controls
- Added touchscreen controls (working on it)
- Added Clockwise Rotation
- Add controls as gestures on the screen:
- tap left 1/3 of screen = left
- tap right 1/3 or screen = right
- tap center 1/3 of screen = down 1 space
- gesture down in center 1/3 of screen = drop
- tap up on right 1/3 of screen = rotate ccw
- tap up on left 1/3 of screen = rotate cw
- Shake device while playing to make touchscreen buttons almost invisible
- Added flick gesture. When user flicks, the block will drop fast.
- Changed scores table depending on difficulty level. The harder = the more points you get.
0.3.5 Updates
- Added custom hardware controls (People can set their own keys for the game-play)
- Fixed High Scores page
- Made the grid for the blocks lighter
- Fixed Line Completion Animation
- Enlarged display area web screen control icons are turned off.
- Changed default controls
- Changed credits page
- Added some graphic updates
- Changed "New game" button
- Updated support page & FAQ's
- Added expiration on Aug 30.
- Display screen controls changed to off for default.
- Compressed some of the source code ( recommended by Palm)
- Removed message on home-screen (requested by palm)
- Created official game website to be compatible with Pre.
History of releases
0.3.3 Fixed/Added the following features
- Music test has been added (Song is just for testing purposes)
- Music on/off enabled
- Music Game will stop when receiving a phone call
- High-scores page added
- High-scores are saved
- Added a visual effect when a line is completed
- Added background animation effect on homepage
- display screen controls on/off settings enabled
- Changed a few graphics
- Made the codes/files cleaner
- Improved speed
- Fixed welcome message
0.3.0 Fixed/Added the following features
- Added sounds to game play
- Added a little mode difficulty to Expert level
- Fixed support page (It was broken after WebOS 1.1 Update)
- Added settings panel to turn sounds on/off
- Added settings panel to turn upcoming block display on/off
- Back to 6 shapes (There will be a different mode with more shapes in upcoming versions)
- Added pause image to all levels
- Changed names of levels: beginner, easy, medium, hard, and expert
- Improved graphics
- Better touchscreen response time. I still recommend keyboard
- I figured out a way to customize keys, but it has not been implemented yet
- High scores 50% finish, I'm working on the display of highscores. But it will ask you to enter your name at the end of the game.
- Cleaned up a bunch of code so it loads faster and works smoother. The game code is 300% less than before, This will allow me to add many features in upcoming versions
- Other minor things were fixed, but I wont go into details. Just test it yourself =)
Version 0.2.7
- Added extra level of difficulty
- Changed graphics to the new official name
- Added new blocks on the "Beginner and expert II levels"
- Changed transparency of pause screen.
- App name change.
0.2.6 Fixed/Added the following features
- Fixed spelling errors
- Fixed the way pause works (it will pause when you minimize, pause button removed)
- Game area is hidden while pause to prevent you from cheating.
- Added some sounds (just testing sounds for now, will add music and more once I get a settings panel going to enable/disable sounds betwwen other
- things.
- Added a help page with intructions of how to play the game.
- Fixed position of screen controls so it wont be hidden with small alerts.
- Added missing line at the left.
- Aligned blocks
- Changed the style of the blocks.
Version 0.2.5!
- Added levels
- Auto pause when APP is minimized
- longer games with progressive speed change
- Bigger gameboard
- Improved graphics (darker looks better)
- Usage of webOS API
- Game Over alert
- Alert before restarrting game (Option to cancel)
- and many more fixes... a lot todo still!!!
- I added a 0. in front of 2.5 to follow the guidelines from Palm.
[Changed official name to Pretris.
Pretris 2.0:
Fixes on this version:
- Game Controls on keyboard and screen for easier gameplay.
- Slower/Longer games, it used to get harder to quickly.
- Single click block fall. (A block will go all the way to the bottom when pressing one time the space bar on the keyboard)
- Pause button moved away from "new game" button.
- Improved graphics.
- Play while pause is not longer possible.
- and other minor issues fixed.
Old History of releases/Screenshots:
Tetris 0.1
Tetris 0.1.2
Tetris 0.1.3
Tetris 0.1.4
Tetris 0.1.5
Tetris 0.1.7
Note: To get all latest functions working do a soft reset of your pre so the memory is fresh with the latest files..
Currently working on:
- Sound effect for line completion
- Ability to change background
++++++++++++++How to play BlockDrop ++++++++++++++++++
Choose a level to start at:
The higher the level you choose the faster the pieces fall, giving you less time to place them correctly. However, you'll be awarded more points for each completed line at higher difficulty levels. The game begins immediately so be ready to play.
Left | Q
Right | P
Down one | A or Enter
Rotate Left | W or O
Rotate Right | coming soon
Drop | Spacebar
Left and Right move the block horizontally in the play area. You can also rotate them to change the block's orientation. Down one will help bring the block down quicker, and drop will bring it all the way down with one key press.
Lastly: Try to make solid rows of pieces all the way across the game board. The rows disappear giving your points when they are completed.In BlockDrop you are given exponentially more points for completing multiple rows at a time. Try to complete up for 4 rows at one time for maximum points. That's all, very simple and fun!
Download game free:
This beta is now open until the app makes in the catalog.
You can download it from here - homewbew apps.
Click here to donate :thumbsup:
Questions: Email me directly at contact(*at)
Download updates
People that have donated before can download the latest version from this link.
History of previous releases:
see history of previous releases
i take no credit for this game and the original thread can be found here:
Last edited: