D/\SH'S 6700 AKA Apache Mods With Links


Owner - Staff
heres the video dodnt show everythign like the iphone interface but look under youtube videos under the username iamdasht19 and look at touch modded and you will see what it looks like and all...... please just respond in this thread and dont ask questions make a a new thread for your questions so it doesnt get crapped and the answers are easily accessible for all.


1. Custom HTC Plugin including custom clocks, backgrounds, tabs, etc, https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=141520
2. Ultimate Search- The search feature on the homescreen with everything imagineable http://rapidshare.com/files/62552002...PC_WM5-WM6.rar
Install the program.

Register with any serial.

3. Pocket SportsCenter (ESPN Bottom line on your homescreen) http://rapidshare.com/files/69734687...1.5.1.zip.html
4. PeraStats- All You Vital Stats Across Yout Homescreen http://www.perasite.com/viewtopic.php?t=6
5. HTC Audio Manager (scrooling iphone like audio manager) http://rapidshare.com/files/69735269...nager.zip.html
6. Iphone Contacts (scrolling like the iphone) http://www.pocketcm.com/dl.php
7. Themes (custom made themes. Can't Find what you like? make a request in the request thread.) https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/forumdisplay.php?f=58
8. Quick Menu (drop down start menu without wisbar) http://rapidshare.com/files/68103043...u_2.7.CAB.html
9. Change softbuttons on screen (sktools) https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=24891
10. Internet (Pie-Plus 2.2) https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=140724
11. Palringo ( IM through all instant messenger apps including voice FREE) www.palringo.com
12. AstraWare Bejeweled 2 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MHOD2UBF
13. AtraWare Zuma- http://rapidshare.com/files/1385088/zuma_v1.03.rar
14. Music ID (Cingulars music ID working) http://rapidshare.com/files/62452689/MusicID_v1.2.0.rar
15. OpMon- Chhange that ugly spritnpcs on your homescreen to what you want http://rapidshare.com/files/69738702/opmon_130.zip.html
16. psShutXP (the windows xp shutdown screen for your phone http://depositfiles.com/files/418026 (and Skins Here) https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/forumdisplay.php?f=417
17. SIPChange (allows you to choose your default keyboard not the on it wants) http://rapidshare.com/files/69739641/SIPChange.CAB.html
18. Happy Tapping Keyboard (great for the touch) http://rapidshare.com/files/69818034...d.arm.CAB.html
19. Sprint NFL Mobile http://rapidshare.com/files/69740189...leCab.zip.html
20. Pocket Mechanic Plus- (cleans phone for quicker loads) http://rapidshare.com/files/68884444...3.217.zip.html
21. Connect 4 - http://rapidshare.com/files/69818511...VTPDA.zip.html
22. Uno- http://rapidshare.com/files/64798806....full-tsrh.zip
23. Micropool- http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C8S968EB
24. MoBrix (tetris) http://rapidshare.com/files/69819559...VTPDA.rar.html
25. Registry Editor- http://www.4shared.com/file/28840256...tor_v0031.html
26. Yahoo GO- https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=141693
27. Selboriyorker Backup- (live By This) http://rapidshare.com/files/46565494...PPC.regged.rar
28. Iphone Interface- https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=141511
29. Kaiser 6 tab (gives you only 5 on touch but i like the music plugin http://rapidshare.com/files/69819096...n.cab.zip.html AND http://rs241l3.rapidshare.com/cgi-bi...7245049620559#
30. UI Tweaker- gives you the black top and bottom bars on your themes. real easy to use- http://rapidshare.com/files/31766324/UITweaker.zip.html
31. Selboriyorker Wallet- https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/show...609#post180609
32. AE Button Plus- Map all buttons on the apache for up to 4 functions each!! http://rapidshare.com/files/49942596...lus.v2.5.4b.Mu ... ked-SyMPDA
33. WM6 Rom For the apache all service providers included: https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=25489&highlight=apache
34. sliding sounds without app without registry tweaks all you need is wav files!!: https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=143412&highlight=sliding+sounds
35. sliding sounds: go to customization and than go to sliding sounds and you will find them there as long as requests.

Last edited by a moderator:
File not found for the ultimate search

they keep getting taken down just do a quick search for the program and that one will work and if not ask for a reup there please. this is because i have one of these for 3 different phones and i would be spending all day reupping these links. but the ones on the board that you will find through the quick search will work for you.
hey can i get a reup for the games with the links posted above? I tried most all of them and none seem to work. Thanks
hey can i get a reup for the games with the links posted above? I tried most all of them and none seem to work. Thanks

bro do a search for them here. the search in green is below the site banner and their are mirriors in them posts. if none work ask fora reup in te thread of the game or application.
Re: D/\SHS 6700 AKA Apache Mods With Links

Hey D/\SH this is sick man !!! I pulled my Apache from under my bed and it rock !!! I'm even using it as a wireless router with 11 Mbps:mitsu:
Re: D/\SHS 6700 AKA Apache Mods With Links

Hey D/\SH this is sick man !!! I pulled my Apache from under my bed and it rock !!! I'm even using it as a wireless router with 11 Mbps:mitsu:

hahahahhaha glad someone is liking...... 6700 aka apache forums are pretty deas..... and thats suprising that the phone is starting to die down since it has WM 6.1 custom made for it :>
i wanted to go back to the stock windows mobile 5 but can't seem to load it up after the windows mobile 6 change. is there a link to restore my back to the original rom?
Re: D/\SHS 6700 AKA Apache Mods With Links

found the phone and area with the downloads but i don't see where the original rom is. Is it one of these?

This software is the maintenance release that corrects some issues with the AKU2.0 software. NOT VISTA COMPATIBLE

PPC-6700 Upgrade Instructions (Sprint version).doc
This software is the maintenance release that corrects some issues with the AKU2.0 software.

just to make sure, i just get the sprint version and i should be ok?
Re: D/\SHS 6700 AKA Apache Mods With Links

found the phone and area with the downloads but i don't see where the original rom is. Is it one of these?

This software is the maintenance release that corrects some issues with the AKU2.0 software. NOT VISTA COMPATIBLE

PPC-6700 Upgrade Instructions (Sprint version).doc
This software is the maintenance release that corrects some issues with the AKU2.0 software.

just to make sure, i just get the sprint version and i should be ok?

yes tha is the version that you want.
Re: D/\SHS 6700 AKA Apache Mods With Links

how did u turn on the wifi for the phone. i thought sprint disabled it. because wifi is built in on my apache but idk how to use it.
Re: D/\SHS 6700 AKA Apache Mods With Links

Hi guys. i am looking for a link to the Happy Tapping Cab.

1) The one listed in the first post does not seem to work.
2) I searched this forum and could not find another thread with any other links.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys.
Re: D/\SHS 6700 AKA Apache Mods With Links

Hi guys. i am looking for a link to the Happy Tapping Cab.

1) The one listed in the first post does not seem to work.
2) I searched this forum and could not find another thread with any other links.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys.

I got it attached for ya bro:sun_bespectacled:

