Dashwire and Touch pro


I have gone through 4 touch pro's! Mostly the same issue! I have just realized what the problem was.... Dashwire! My keyboard would stick and the backlight wouldnt come on... and it has taken me since the begining of February and 4 phones to figure it out! If you are having problems with your keyboard working and you are using dashwire... simply un install it!! it will solve your keyboard issue! It has fixed mine and my nephews phone!
I have gone through 4 touch pro's! Mostly the same issue! I have just realized what the problem was.... Dashwire! My keyboard would stick and the backlight wouldnt come on... and it has taken me since the begining of February and 4 phones to figure it out! If you are having problems with your keyboard working and you are using dashwire... simply un install it!! it will solve your keyboard issue! It has fixed mine and my nephews phone!

i use dashwire as of recently since mail2web is going to start charging now that they have finally added a way to back up text messages through outlook.... but anyways i havent experienced any of these troubles on any of the 5 touch pros, or 3 diamonds i have added this to and all are activated and used regularly.... might be another app installed that is conflicting or that you have something wrong with the settings throwing it all off.
I hard reset my phone lastnight cause i finally got tired of my keyboard freezing and not letting me type anything... as soon as my phone came up my phone started goin crazy with text messages... i answered them using my keyboard with no problem... between the texting i installed dashwire... to get my contacts. As soon as it loaded and i synced it my phone started actin retarded again! I un installed it and there were no problems again! I called my nephew told him to uninstall his and he has had no problem with his keyboard either. I dont know what the deal is.... what version of dashwire are you using?? is what i was using
I hard reset my phone lastnight cause i finally got tired of my keyboard freezing and not letting me type anything... as soon as my phone came up my phone started goin crazy with text messages... i answered them using my keyboard with no problem... between the texting i installed dashwire... to get my contacts. As soon as it loaded and i synced it my phone started actin retarded again! I un installed it and there were no problems again! I called my nephew told him to uninstall his and he has had no problem with his keyboard either. I dont know what the deal is.... what version of dashwire are you using?? is what i was using

same version as you are using atm .
well idk what dashwire is but iv went through a couple tps and had the same kb problem.. i went to an advanced tech support sprint store and they replaced it for free.. they told me its not a common problem but theyll be glad to give me a new kb as often as i need it
Nine - Dashwire is a backup utility, does contacts and texts and pics online, can manipulate contacts online and can do automatic backups and things like that. It's free!

Kraz - Hubby and I have been using Dashwire going on about a year now. Used them with the moguls we had, no problems. Using it now on our Pros, and no issues.

I have found that when you load a new rom or theme or something and have it set to auto sync, it can be a pain. I have started changing the setting to manual when I know that I am going to do something that requires a reset, to avoid the issue.

I don't think that it is the program that is the issue. I think that Dash is right, it's got to be something else that is making it trip. Could be a overlay, like a skin on a virtual keyboard or something like that.

What rom and/or theme were you running when you noticed the problem?
Like I said in my last post I had hard reset my phone and dashwire was the only program I had put back on the phone. I am running stock rom... and I have no themes on it... yet... I also used dashwire on my Mogul with no problems... I have been through 4 phones already... I really dont feel like driving 45 min... again.... to get a new phone... I just thought it was weird that when i took dashwire back off my phone it started acting right and when I told my nephew to take it off his phone his started actin right???
One constant thing I have found with electronics of any kind. Some people have issues that no one else has. When you tell someone your issue, they kind of get that head cocked, glazed look in their eye, like you're nuts.

Could be the version of dashwire. Could be a pic saved in dashwire has a bug in it. Have you looked at scanning the contents of your account with a virus checker? I had one that caused an issue for me, the only way I caught it was I looked at it on my laptop and when I opened it, my virus scanner caught it. I use Flexillis now.

Could be you had the same issue with the Mogul that I was having, got 8 in the last 6 months because the keyboards just kept crapping out. Didn't even load dashwire for a couple of days, and still had a keyboard issue, that's why I say it probably isn't dashwire.

BTW - the last Mogul I got had HAIR in it. Refurbs suck.