- #1
Thread Owner
: elboriyorker
Well most of you with the diamond Device had installed the TF3D Config from xda.Now some of you was getting this error "exception"
well sushilange had suggest this to resolve the issue.
well knowing me i like to get into the root of the problem,and resolving the issue i took the "tweaks.xml" from the mobile program folder and looked at what configs that maybe causing the issue. and compared it to my diamond device.And what do you know, there were about 2 or three registry that was missing or value was different so i use the registry tool and add or fixed them.
I suggest that if you are going to play with the registry that you back it up just in case you **ck up
In my device i was missing WakeUpOnNewSMS,EnableHSUPA so i added those in and TweakDescription_TouchFloPerformance44 the default value was set to 33 and it suppose to be 34 and TweakDescription_HigherGlyphCache default value was 32678 it suppose to be 8192.
Once i had fix all of the above issues and rebooted the device, i was then able to open up the config tools and all of the info that is needed had popped up.But the developer had suggest to delete that tweaks.xml file.But I notice that deleting that file the tools becomes useless so i suggest to fix the issue at hand.
Hope this basic tutorial can benefit you and fix your issue.
well sushilange had suggest this to resolve the issue.
For all who getting an exception while starting my tool:
Your Registry is wrong! Maybe this is caused by a bad ROM or a bad tweak tool!
Check this key:
The value PressureThreshold should be a DWORD (REG_DWORD)
(Many people have this problem and got STRING (REG_SZ) for PressureThreshold, but this is wrong!)
You have two options:
1.: You delete the tweak.xml in program directory of my tool
2.: You change PressureThreshold to DWORD in Registry
well knowing me i like to get into the root of the problem,and resolving the issue i took the "tweaks.xml" from the mobile program folder and looked at what configs that maybe causing the issue. and compared it to my diamond device.And what do you know, there were about 2 or three registry that was missing or value was different so i use the registry tool and add or fixed them.
I suggest that if you are going to play with the registry that you back it up just in case you **ck up
In my device i was missing WakeUpOnNewSMS,EnableHSUPA so i added those in and TweakDescription_TouchFloPerformance44 the default value was set to 33 and it suppose to be 34 and TweakDescription_HigherGlyphCache default value was 32678 it suppose to be 8192.
Once i had fix all of the above issues and rebooted the device, i was then able to open up the config tools and all of the info that is needed had popped up.But the developer had suggest to delete that tweaks.xml file.But I notice that deleting that file the tools becomes useless so i suggest to fix the issue at hand.
Hope this basic tutorial can benefit you and fix your issue.