My littte cousin dropped my phone in some warter and i got it to come on but theres white marks on the screen ill post pics later but what would you guys suggest?
damn harsh bro, you cant bring into the store since water damage isnt covered.... the bet i think that you will be able to do is call up asurion and get a new one sent to you...... look at the pitmus paper on your battery and the phone and what color are they? also dry it out with something like a vent or a hair dryer blowing cool air for a lil and see what that does... take the battery and everything that comes out off so it can air more freely.
I kno and i was blow dryed it all night but its red and i called sprint 1000 times and i have to pay full price but i have insurance and just got it saturday but i got some pics
yeah i would just use it for parts and shit....... your phone prolly isnt going to work much longer since it lokks like it was dropped in a lake.
Make your cousin or his parent's but you a new phone Dam that does suck
Hes a baby:connie_33:
My littte cousin dropped my phone in some warter and i got it to come on but theres white marks on the screen ill post pics later but what would you guys suggest?
I'd drop my little cousin in some water.
LMAO... Id do the same!
I don't know if it will help now, but anytime you get something wet like that the first thing is to pull the battery asap. Then let it air dry for a few hours. Then hit it with a blow dryer to get it as dry as you can. I've actually had to pop the case and further dry before. Generally as long as you cut power asap and dry it completely before powering up, you're good to go.
If you still see streaks then you may want to get it replaced under your insurance. You might want to run over it with the car first though.
Its actually working great but htc said they will repair it but it will take 2 weeks and cant go without my phone for that long or ill just pay 50 bucks thats the way i think im goin to go
--------- New Post Merged on 19/11/2008 at 02:18:15 --------
Hes a baby:connie_33:
Ouch... damn bro that suck... and sprint wont cover under the insurance plan... there always so tricky w/ that stuff... i need to read up on that policy to know exactly whats covered and what isnt
if further damaging it in a way that is covered will work, id probably go with that..especially if its brand new... just say you were in a car accident or something
Anyone else wondering why the baby had your
seriously tho, that sux... like a punch to the gut
I had it on the charger and hew got a hold to it
damn bro... this is just bad policy
At least htc will repair it for free but it goin to take 2 weeks
yeah two weeks is a pain to be w/o your phone...but at least its free; can you just go to your old one... I mean since its new, im assuming you still have ur old mogul or vogue or something? or has the diamond just spoiled you too much to go back?
Sold my mogul for the diamond but im still deciding what im going to do
ill see what i have at home ppc wise that i could part with and send your way so you dont have to be phoneless :>
ill see what i have at home ppc wise that i could part with and send your way so you dont have to be phoneless :>
dash ill take any ppc!!!
Damn... thats maaad coool... [tears welling up] it really is like a family here!
dash ill take any ppc!!!
Damn... thats maaad coool... [tears welling up] it really is like a family here!