Palm WebOs DrugView for WebOS


Owner - Staff
There's no native drug reference for WebOS yet so the next best thing is an application to facilitate easy search and access to the free drug references available online.

Drugview is a simple search page with options to choose from several free online formularies (some may require registration and login but they are free)

The advantage of Drugview is that it will allow one to quickly perform multiple searches from various formularies for the same drug.
The search results are presented in a Webview within the application rather than in the browser. This may facilitate automatically zooming in the text to a more legible size.

Notes on formularies/databases:

For The navigation has been redesigned by SirataXero and now the text info is within the app itself rather than a Webview. There are navigation scroll bars as well as the ability to "flick" sideways form section to section. The Section links now work.

For Epocrates, you may encounter a "Disclaimer page" for the first access. Just scroll to the bottom and click on the Continue button and this page should go away.

For MIMS USA, you will be greeted by a login page for the first access. If you don't have an account just scroll down the page and hit the Register button, and create a free account. Don't forget to check the "remember me" box when you login.



Demo video

Current version: 0.2.3

Link to Homebrew download

Source code attached below

originally found here:
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