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[Theme] Earth Wallpaper and Slider Icons


Owner - Staff
This is my first theme, and I would love to get everyone's opinion. Included is the Slider Icons Cab, along with the wallpaper cab. The wallpaper will go across all screens. I made the icons and the earth in space in Cinema 4d. Added original TF3D images to my sphere's in photoshop in case anyone was interested.

UPDATE - 9/20/09 - Earth2a
Thanks for all the replies and kind words!

Also added to the attached files is the Earth Wallpaper by itself in case anyone would like to use it for just the home or s2u2 or whatever. Please drop a thanks to the post! THANKS! :)

Earth Update - 9-20-09
Added more resolution to earth textures, and tried to go for more realism. I thought the old one looked too 'cartoon-like'. Also you should notice a more raised look with the continents. Clouds are more realistic, and the stars are real. It's an actual photograph of the northern sky I took last summer and it made for a great texture map! The earth is a little darker too so it hopefully has a less cluttered look.

Icon Update:
LARGER! More contrast and shadowing as requested, and original manila icons are wrapped around sphere. Also there is a programs icon, in case you use that.

To install, just download Igl007_Earth2a.cab and Igl007_SphereIcons2a.cab below and install, it will unistall the old and install the new.
Let me know what ya think!



originally found here and take co credit for this:

