Few questions help please


Hello guys! I am a complete noob to Smartphones and just had a couple questions about my new phone. I got the Alltel PPC 6800 off of ebay and I guess I didn't do much research on the phone before I got it. Will I still be able to mod my phone and put apps on it if I hook it to my computer with the data cable if I dont have smartplan? Will this phone give me problems if I dont have smartplan? If I start having problems with the phone does anyone know a way to return i to alltel and upgrade to the touch pro? I seen the thread to return to sprint but nothing on alltel.
Is smartplan data? If so, you can still mod the crap out of your phone with any app you like. The only problem you'll hit is if said program uses the internet (such as seeqpod, or youtube player, or something of that nature). Other then that, the sky is the limit with the 6800. Only problem with that phone IMO is the lack of RAM. But you can still make it an absoulutley great phone.
Hello guys! I am a complete noob to Smartphones and just had a couple questions about my new phone. I got the Alltel PPC 6800 off of ebay and I guess I didn't do much research on the phone before I got it. Will I still be able to mod my phone and put apps on it if I hook it to my computer with the data cable if I dont have smartplan? Will this phone give me problems if I dont have smartplan? If I start having problems with the phone does anyone know a way to return i to alltel and upgrade to the touch pro? I seen the thread to return to sprint but nothing on alltel.

with alltel they wont upgrade anyone until they are out of the model that you have...... and for the not having a data plan i see the phone as being useless since many apps use the internet and feed from it like weather, music, youtube, etc......
Well alltel doesn't have many qwerty phones that i liked and i couldn't flat out buy a touch pro cause they are to much money so I got this off of ebay. I would like to put touchflow on it and a few app buttons for getting to things quicker. Then put some music on it etc.... So I can still have a cool looking touch screen phone with a qwerty slide. Better than the alltel scoop LOL