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Here's my latest creation. I wanted a theme that has a settle look yet attractive. After weeks of brainstroming and many revisions, I have finally completed it. (I think...)

WA2 - 2 versions
Original version: Home, Menu & Close/OK buttons resembles windows' min/max/close button.
Version 2: Home, Menu & Close/Ok buttons are actual images. (see Ver 2 screenshot)

elboriyorker - besides the usual tab icons, I added Transmission (for signal and wifi dislays) and Instant Messenger (for IM+ today plugin)

Today Themes: - 2 versions
Original version - has elboriyorker bar on left
Version 2: - has no elboriyorker bar on left (see Ver 2 screenshot)

And ofcourse a dialer skin.

UPDATE: 4th of July! - First of all I would like to thank Bob_55 and arbi13 for helping testing my first try at VGA skinning! Without them I wouldn't be able to release a VGA version. Thanks for all your help and patience!.

As mentioned, I'm releasing a VGA version of WA2 and today themes. elboriyorker to follow. (see VGA screenshots below for more details)

UPDATE: 7/06: I added a really simple rlToday and Slide2Unlock themes if anyone is interested. (see QVGA version 2 screenshot, middle 2 images) ***Note: This is my first try @ skinning Slide2Unlock so I'm including the whole "GFX" folder. I guess just replace existing "GFX" folder under \Program Files\Slide2Unlock in your device. And you might want to back up what you have first incase you want to revert to your previous setup. ****

Update: 07/06 When I was reviewing the added rlToday and Slide2Unlock themes, I noticed that they could use some color so I created ver 2 for both (see qvga version 2 screenshot, last 2 images). ***Note: This is my first try @ skinning Slide2Unlock so I'm including the whole "GFX" folder. I guess just replace existing "GFX" folder under \Program Files\Slide2Unlock in your device. And you might want to back up what you have first incase you want to revert to your previous setup. ****

Update: 07/20 - I decided to add a version 3 because I realized Ver 2's home/close/ok buttons need some improvements. See screenshots here, its post #95. Just unzip and copy the contents of the folder into Formality skin folder in your device and you should have access to Ver 3.

Have a good day everyone!



Version 2 (Home, Menu and Close button images) (middle left displays rlToday and middle right displays Slide2Unlock and bottom 2 images are version 2 of rlToday and Slider2Unlock)


VGA Details and screenshot:
WA2: 2 versions
Original version - home, menu, ok/close buttons are windows style win/max/close buttons
- Also, custom1 and custom2 buttons are similar images but numbered see 1st screenshot
Version 2 - home, menu, ok/close buttons are actual images.

Today Themes:
Original version - with elboriyorker area
Version 2 - without elboriyorker area

For folks who use custom1 button and custom2 buttons in WA2 as shutdown and landscape mode, I added special custom buttons in folder "WA2 Custom Buttons" for this purpose. (see screenshot below)

custom1 button = shutdown image
custom2 button = landscape mode image

just copy the files over into the WA2 folder, this will replace 4 files.