I've started writing a facebook app. It is currently in a "release candidate" stage.
NOTE: when the app starts up it will ask you to authorize the app via a web page. After you go through a few screens there it should go to a WebOS app. If it still looks like a web page you are doing it wrong. Restart the app and make sure to click on the buttons giving FriendFlow access to your account.
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.17_all.ipk)
Version 0.0.10:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.10_all.ipk
* save session in persistent storage -- login should be MUCH faster the _second_ time you load the app
* Wall postings now show who posted them on who's wall
* Fixed bug which broke "show all comments" if you were friends with any of the hidden comment's posters
Version 0.0.11:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.11_all.ipk
* Now honors the "News Feed" (default) filter
* Fixed wrapping in text boxes
* Status text box now clears itself after you hit enter
Version 0.0.12:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.12_all.ipk
* Preferences for polling interval and whether to notify you of new messages
* Fixed the pictures on wall posts
* Fixed a few random bugs
Version 0.0.13:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.13_all.ipk
* Notifications are kinda sorta there. (You can see notifications, but they don't look right, and you can't go look at the posting it refers to unless it was very recent)
* Fixed status update bug where you could only post once
* Fixed some other random stuff
* Refactored some code
Version 0.0.14:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.14_all.ipk
* Notifications are mostly working. Just needs a bit of cosmetic work, and the ability to mark them as read.
* Added dates and pictures to comments
Version 0.0.15:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.15_all.ipk
* Fixed major bug which caused stream to only show people who you have notifications about
* added link from notifications about old posts to mobile site.
Version 0.0.19: (in progress)
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.19_all.ipk)
* Went back to 0.0.12, because quality went downhill after that. Reimplementing things:
* Fixed status update bug where you could only post once
* Added dates and pictures to comments
* moved "more" to the last spot on your feed
Version 0.0.20:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.20_all.ipk)
* Added notifications back in. They are very basic, but at least you get background polling and can go look at the content you are being notified about.
Version 0.0.21:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.21_all.ipk)
* Can now mark notifications as read
* Swapped refresh and notifications icons at bottom
* Fixed bug when you have no notifications
* Fixed bug where links to non-facebook sites in notifications were broken
* linkify links on main page
* added "read more" links for each post so that tapping elsewhere (eg a link) will not go to that post
Version 0.0.22:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.22_all.ipk)
* Dashboard notifications
* May have fixed error which was causing some people to not be able to see their notifications
Version 0.0.23:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.23_all.ipk)
* New icon draft 1 (not final)
* Fixed a bug where items would get too wide
* Fixed some bugs
Version 0.0.24:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.24_all.ipk)
* New icon - probably final
* Now handles being deauthorized in facebook properly
* Possibly better feedback/better loading of facebook authorize pages
Version 0.0.25:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.25_all.ipk)
* saving settings works
Version 0.0.26:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.26_all.ipk)
* About window
* Help window
* trying smaller font
* Better error if you have a network timeout
* better width handling (maybe)
* clean up some event listeners
Version 0.0.27:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.27_all.ipk)
* Made more fonts smaller
* Changed color of Read More
* Only issues dashboard notifications if app is minimized
Version 0.0.28:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.28_all.ipk)
* Removed "Read More" and removed links from list view
Version 0.0.29:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.29_all.ipk)
* linkified links in the view post view
Version 0.0.30:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.30_all.ipk)
* Much better feedback when things are loading
Version 0.0.31:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.31_all.ipk)
* No Palm notifications for facebook notifications if you have that turned off
* Better detection of when your internet connection comes and goes. Won't bother timing out, and instead just gives an error unless the app is minimized.
Version 0.0.32:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.32_all.ipk)
* Smaller fonts in post view
* better sizing of profile images
Version 0.0.33:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.33_all.ipk)
* better handling of progress spinner on refresh (but not what I eventually want)
* somewhat better handling of bad connections... probably could still use work
Version 0.0.34:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.34_all.ipk)
* Fixed a bug which caused notifications not to disappear when they are marked read
* Fixed a bug with commenting
* Changed the way the refresh button indicates it is working. Still not quite what I want.
Version 0.0.35:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.35_all.ipk)
* Fixed bug (forgot to remove debugging code) so that notifications actually get marked read
Version 0.0.36:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.36_all.ipk)
* Show all comments replaces the sample comments
Version 0.0.37:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.37_all.ipk)
* More consistent colors
* date/time on notifications
* refresh after posting comment/liking
* probably got rid erroneous of error about not having internet connection.
Version 0.0.38:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.38_all.ipk)
* Comment and like buttons are next to each other
* No longer crashes if you double tap the "comment" button because you aren't patient enough (which is why I never saw that error) Thank you "Lint" for telling me that you may have tapped twice!
Version 0.0.39:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.39_all.ipk)
* fixed a bit of plurality
* polling now uses palm timeout service. Option (in settings) to have this wake the device)
Version 0.0.40:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.40_all.ipk)
* stops polling when app is closed
Version 0.0.41:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.41_all.ipk)
* Filters for news feed again (I believe Facebook changed how the API works. Their prerogative I guess since it is labeled Beta)
* Maybe fixed some other bugs
Version 0.0.42:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.42_all.ipk)
* Notifications should work somewhat better
Version 0.0.43:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.43_all.ipk)
* If you click on a photo in a post, it will open that photo in the album. You will see the photo, and if you swipe left or right you can see other photos in that album just like the photos on your phone.
Version 0.0.44:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.44_all.ipk)
* Fixed album swiping (I think) and added captions
Version 0.0.45:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.45_all.ipk)
* May have fixed "undefined" notifications bug
* better text overlay on photos
Version 0.0.47:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.47_all.ipk)
* Notifications work better (only notifies once until you get more notification worthy events)
* New notification sound (I want to know if I got a facebook update or a text message)
* Some other bug fixes?
Version 0.0.48:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.48_all.ipk)
* added some padding
Version 0.1.1:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.1_all.ipk)
* First Release Candidate
* updated help screenshots
* checks in with friendsflow.com to ensure facebook uid is "authorized." After release only paid users will be able to use future betas. (I still plan on having an open development process)
* Deveopment branch, so you can have the current beta and stable versions installed at the same time
* increased version number
Version 0.1.2:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.2_all.ipk)
* No longer phones home (expires Oct 1st)
* Fixed bug which caused "polling" to open non-beta version
Version 0.1.3:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.3_all.ipk)
* Release candidate 2
* New less interesting sound
* Can "log out"
* can "unlike"
* new help scene
* status update field expands down as needed
* Better spinner for refresh button
* confirmations that you actions succeeded (eg, comments, liking, updating status)
* Bigger fonts
* instruction message when last notification marked read
*Notifications button disabled if you don't have any
* Icon for mark read (prettier, but less intuitive)
Version 0.1.4:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.4_all.ipk)
* instruction message when last notification marked read
Version 0.1.5:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.5_all.ipk)
* instruction message when last notification marked read (fixed another bug)
Version 0.1.6:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.6_all.ipk)
* Facebook is (currently) no longer sending what they call "sample" comments with the feed. Now, if there are no sample comments but the comment count is >0, then it displays the "show all comments" button. I suspect this is a facebook bug, and behavior will revert to normal.
* This version expires Oct 1st
Version 0.1.7:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.7_all.ipk)
* Workaround now just loads all the comments if the samples are missing.
* This version expires Oct 1st
Version 0.1.8:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.8_all.ipk)
* Remove stray debug message
* This version expires Oct 1st
Version 0.1.9:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.9_all.ipk)
* Fixed view all comments button
* This version expires Oct 1st
Version 0.1.10:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.10_all.ipk)
* This version expires Oct 5th
Version 0.1.11:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.11_all.ipk)
* New visual theme. Curvier.
* Landscape mode. Just turn your device. Just like the web browser.
* This version does not expire, but it does check in to friendsflow.com and all US users will be disabled shortly after app catalog release to avoid conflicting with the api license. If you have made suggestions about the application or reported bugs or you have paid for the app but want beta access e-mail info@friendsflow.com with your precentral id and your facebook id number.
* If you do not want to use an app which checks in with friendsflow.com buy the app on the app catalog.
Version 0.1.12:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.12_all.ipk)
* Reverted theme on notifications scene. I plan to completely redo this after the cache backend rewrite anyway.
* This version does not expire, but it does check in to friendsflow.com and all US users will be disabled shortly after app catalog release to avoid conflicting with the api license. If you have made suggestions about the application or reported bugs or you have paid for the app but want beta access e-mail info@friendsflow.com with your precentral id and your facebook id number.
* If you do not want to use an app which checks in with friendsflow.com buy the app on the app catalog.
Version 0.1.13:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.13_all.ipk)
* Now checks for paid version
* This version does not expire, but it does check in to friendsflow.com and all US users will be disabled soon after this release release UNLESS YOU HAVE THE PAID APP INSTALLED to avoid conflicting with the api license.
* If you do not want to use an app which checks in with friendsflow.com buy the app on the app catalog.
Version 0.1.14:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.14_all.ipk)
* Fixes "success" error
* Must have paid version installed, be on whitelist, or be in canada.
Version 0.1.15:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.15_all.ipk)
* Can now select a theme (only two right now. One is the new theme and the other is similar to the old theme)
* Must have paid version installed, be on whitelist, or be in canada.
Version 0.1.16:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.16_all.ipk)
* Can now load theme from a url
* Must have paid version installed, be on whitelist, or be in canada.
Version 0.1.17:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.17_all.ipk)
* If you had previous settings which did not include a theme, a default theme is selected for you
* Fixed post view in simpleblue theme
* Tweeked default theme such that long names aren't a problem. Also shows off how themes can really change things
* Must have paid version installed, be on whitelist, or be in canada.
Updates should be in the homebrew gallery shortly after posting here.
Required for release:
* handle timeouts
* clean up event listeners
* add a "Web View Indicator" (web page loading) indicator for the facebook auth pages
* linkify links in posts
after 1.0
Allow "synergy like syncing" for individual users or for groups
Photo tagging/commenting
Should I have?
Make it show "all" likes?
* Add header with overall status info (eg, personal messages)
* Add help?
Other things people ask me to do
Note: this is a alpha or beta release. It is intended for testing purposes only.
Beyond the intent that this be used for testing purposes only (to comply with Palm's requirements)
you only have rights to copy this under the following license
http colon slash slash creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/
The only reason you should modify the source code is to send me a patch or for your own personal use. Any other source code modification is explicitly forbidden.
i take no credit for this and can originally be found here:
NOTE: when the app starts up it will ask you to authorize the app via a web page. After you go through a few screens there it should go to a WebOS app. If it still looks like a web page you are doing it wrong. Restart the app and make sure to click on the buttons giving FriendFlow access to your account.
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.17_all.ipk)
Version 0.0.10:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.10_all.ipk
* save session in persistent storage -- login should be MUCH faster the _second_ time you load the app
* Wall postings now show who posted them on who's wall
* Fixed bug which broke "show all comments" if you were friends with any of the hidden comment's posters
Version 0.0.11:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.11_all.ipk
* Now honors the "News Feed" (default) filter
* Fixed wrapping in text boxes
* Status text box now clears itself after you hit enter
Version 0.0.12:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.12_all.ipk
* Preferences for polling interval and whether to notify you of new messages
* Fixed the pictures on wall posts
* Fixed a few random bugs
Version 0.0.13:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.13_all.ipk
* Notifications are kinda sorta there. (You can see notifications, but they don't look right, and you can't go look at the posting it refers to unless it was very recent)
* Fixed status update bug where you could only post once
* Fixed some other random stuff
* Refactored some code
Version 0.0.14:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.14_all.ipk
* Notifications are mostly working. Just needs a bit of cosmetic work, and the ability to mark them as read.
* Added dates and pictures to comments
Version 0.0.15:
http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.15_all.ipk
* Fixed major bug which caused stream to only show people who you have notifications about
* added link from notifications about old posts to mobile site.
Version 0.0.19: (in progress)
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.19_all.ipk)
* Went back to 0.0.12, because quality went downhill after that. Reimplementing things:
* Fixed status update bug where you could only post once
* Added dates and pictures to comments
* moved "more" to the last spot on your feed
Version 0.0.20:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.20_all.ipk)
* Added notifications back in. They are very basic, but at least you get background polling and can go look at the content you are being notified about.
Version 0.0.21:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.21_all.ipk)
* Can now mark notifications as read
* Swapped refresh and notifications icons at bottom
* Fixed bug when you have no notifications
* Fixed bug where links to non-facebook sites in notifications were broken
* linkify links on main page
* added "read more" links for each post so that tapping elsewhere (eg a link) will not go to that post
Version 0.0.22:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.22_all.ipk)
* Dashboard notifications
* May have fixed error which was causing some people to not be able to see their notifications
Version 0.0.23:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.23_all.ipk)
* New icon draft 1 (not final)
* Fixed a bug where items would get too wide
* Fixed some bugs
Version 0.0.24:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.24_all.ipk)
* New icon - probably final
* Now handles being deauthorized in facebook properly
* Possibly better feedback/better loading of facebook authorize pages
Version 0.0.25:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.25_all.ipk)
* saving settings works
Version 0.0.26:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.26_all.ipk)
* About window
* Help window
* trying smaller font
* Better error if you have a network timeout
* better width handling (maybe)
* clean up some event listeners
Version 0.0.27:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.27_all.ipk)
* Made more fonts smaller
* Changed color of Read More
* Only issues dashboard notifications if app is minimized
Version 0.0.28:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.28_all.ipk)
* Removed "Read More" and removed links from list view
Version 0.0.29:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.29_all.ipk)
* linkified links in the view post view
Version 0.0.30:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.30_all.ipk)
* Much better feedback when things are loading
Version 0.0.31:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.31_all.ipk)
* No Palm notifications for facebook notifications if you have that turned off
* Better detection of when your internet connection comes and goes. Won't bother timing out, and instead just gives an error unless the app is minimized.
Version 0.0.32:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.32_all.ipk)
* Smaller fonts in post view
* better sizing of profile images
Version 0.0.33:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.33_all.ipk)
* better handling of progress spinner on refresh (but not what I eventually want)
* somewhat better handling of bad connections... probably could still use work
Version 0.0.34:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.34_all.ipk)
* Fixed a bug which caused notifications not to disappear when they are marked read
* Fixed a bug with commenting
* Changed the way the refresh button indicates it is working. Still not quite what I want.
Version 0.0.35:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.35_all.ipk)
* Fixed bug (forgot to remove debugging code) so that notifications actually get marked read
Version 0.0.36:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.36_all.ipk)
* Show all comments replaces the sample comments
Version 0.0.37:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.37_all.ipk)
* More consistent colors
* date/time on notifications
* refresh after posting comment/liking
* probably got rid erroneous of error about not having internet connection.
Version 0.0.38:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.38_all.ipk)
* Comment and like buttons are next to each other
* No longer crashes if you double tap the "comment" button because you aren't patient enough (which is why I never saw that error) Thank you "Lint" for telling me that you may have tapped twice!
Version 0.0.39:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.39_all.ipk)
* fixed a bit of plurality
* polling now uses palm timeout service. Option (in settings) to have this wake the device)
Version 0.0.40:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.40_all.ipk)
* stops polling when app is closed
Version 0.0.41:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.41_all.ipk)
* Filters for news feed again (I believe Facebook changed how the API works. Their prerogative I guess since it is labeled Beta)
* Maybe fixed some other bugs
Version 0.0.42:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.42_all.ipk)
* Notifications should work somewhat better
Version 0.0.43:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.43_all.ipk)
* If you click on a photo in a post, it will open that photo in the album. You will see the photo, and if you swipe left or right you can see other photos in that album just like the photos on your phone.
Version 0.0.44:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.44_all.ipk)
* Fixed album swiping (I think) and added captions
Version 0.0.45:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.45_all.ipk)
* May have fixed "undefined" notifications bug
* better text overlay on photos
Version 0.0.47:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.47_all.ipk)
* Notifications work better (only notifies once until you get more notification worthy events)
* New notification sound (I want to know if I got a facebook update or a text message)
* Some other bug fixes?
Version 0.0.48:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflow_0.0.48_all.ipk)
* added some padding
Version 0.1.1:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.1_all.ipk)
* First Release Candidate
* updated help screenshots
* checks in with friendsflow.com to ensure facebook uid is "authorized." After release only paid users will be able to use future betas. (I still plan on having an open development process)
* Deveopment branch, so you can have the current beta and stable versions installed at the same time
* increased version number
Version 0.1.2:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.2_all.ipk)
* No longer phones home (expires Oct 1st)
* Fixed bug which caused "polling" to open non-beta version
Version 0.1.3:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.3_all.ipk)
* Release candidate 2
* New less interesting sound
* Can "log out"
* can "unlike"
* new help scene
* status update field expands down as needed
* Better spinner for refresh button
* confirmations that you actions succeeded (eg, comments, liking, updating status)
* Bigger fonts
* instruction message when last notification marked read
*Notifications button disabled if you don't have any
* Icon for mark read (prettier, but less intuitive)
Version 0.1.4:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.4_all.ipk)
* instruction message when last notification marked read
Version 0.1.5:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.5_all.ipk)
* instruction message when last notification marked read (fixed another bug)
Version 0.1.6:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.6_all.ipk)
* Facebook is (currently) no longer sending what they call "sample" comments with the feed. Now, if there are no sample comments but the comment count is >0, then it displays the "show all comments" button. I suspect this is a facebook bug, and behavior will revert to normal.
* This version expires Oct 1st
Version 0.1.7:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.7_all.ipk)
* Workaround now just loads all the comments if the samples are missing.
* This version expires Oct 1st
Version 0.1.8:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.8_all.ipk)
* Remove stray debug message
* This version expires Oct 1st
Version 0.1.9:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.9_all.ipk)
* Fixed view all comments button
* This version expires Oct 1st
Version 0.1.10:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.10_all.ipk)
* This version expires Oct 5th
Version 0.1.11:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.11_all.ipk)
* New visual theme. Curvier.
* Landscape mode. Just turn your device. Just like the web browser.
* This version does not expire, but it does check in to friendsflow.com and all US users will be disabled shortly after app catalog release to avoid conflicting with the api license. If you have made suggestions about the application or reported bugs or you have paid for the app but want beta access e-mail info@friendsflow.com with your precentral id and your facebook id number.
* If you do not want to use an app which checks in with friendsflow.com buy the app on the app catalog.
Version 0.1.12:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.12_all.ipk)
* Reverted theme on notifications scene. I plan to completely redo this after the cache backend rewrite anyway.
* This version does not expire, but it does check in to friendsflow.com and all US users will be disabled shortly after app catalog release to avoid conflicting with the api license. If you have made suggestions about the application or reported bugs or you have paid for the app but want beta access e-mail info@friendsflow.com with your precentral id and your facebook id number.
* If you do not want to use an app which checks in with friendsflow.com buy the app on the app catalog.
Version 0.1.13:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.13_all.ipk)
* Now checks for paid version
* This version does not expire, but it does check in to friendsflow.com and all US users will be disabled soon after this release release UNLESS YOU HAVE THE PAID APP INSTALLED to avoid conflicting with the api license.
* If you do not want to use an app which checks in with friendsflow.com buy the app on the app catalog.
Version 0.1.14:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.14_all.ipk)
* Fixes "success" error
* Must have paid version installed, be on whitelist, or be in canada.
Version 0.1.15:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.15_all.ipk)
* Can now select a theme (only two right now. One is the new theme and the other is similar to the old theme)
* Must have paid version installed, be on whitelist, or be in canada.
Version 0.1.16:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.16_all.ipk)
* Can now load theme from a url
* Must have paid version installed, be on whitelist, or be in canada.
Version 0.1.17:
(http : / / friendsflow.com/com.friendsflow.friendsflowbeta_0.1.17_all.ipk)
* If you had previous settings which did not include a theme, a default theme is selected for you
* Fixed post view in simpleblue theme
* Tweeked default theme such that long names aren't a problem. Also shows off how themes can really change things
* Must have paid version installed, be on whitelist, or be in canada.
Updates should be in the homebrew gallery shortly after posting here.
Required for release:
* handle timeouts
* clean up event listeners
* add a "Web View Indicator" (web page loading) indicator for the facebook auth pages
* linkify links in posts
after 1.0
Allow "synergy like syncing" for individual users or for groups
Photo tagging/commenting
Should I have?
Make it show "all" likes?
* Add header with overall status info (eg, personal messages)
* Add help?
Other things people ask me to do
Note: this is a alpha or beta release. It is intended for testing purposes only.
Beyond the intent that this be used for testing purposes only (to comply with Palm's requirements)
you only have rights to copy this under the following license
http colon slash slash creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/
The only reason you should modify the source code is to send me a patch or for your own personal use. Any other source code modification is explicitly forbidden.
i take no credit for this and can originally be found here:
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