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Girly flower theme


Owner - Staff
Ok so my girlfriend FINALLY got a ppc!! WOOT WOOT!

She asked me to put together something girlie with flowers... lately, i've been lovin makin themes, so i did... here's what i came up with...


there are 2 slide gestures (flowers with arrows) and the others are buttons. To hide something, just hit the home button on the bottom.

All pages animate in and out.

Please read the instructions carefully.

If you digg it, hit the Thanks button for me being a nice boyfriend :D lol

And fellas, its ok to laugh at me for this one, just know this.... I recieved a VERY nice "thank you" from my girl for this one

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awww how cute d/\sh LOL

lmao i didnt make this one i gave credit up top but i thought that it did look pretty cool though for a chic to be sporting and if i get the chance will skin to be more manly since i love the interface and the way that he laid this out.
dont have time to attach so just go to the link at the bottom that i added... if someone could attach that would be great :>

I'll attached them to this post, Can a moderate put them on the first post?


First of all, Thank you Dash...

Is there a setting so that i can have notifiers of missed calls, text messages and voicemails on my home screen?? Any help would be much appreciated..

Thank you,
First of all, Thank you Dash...

Is there a setting so that i can have notifiers of missed calls, text messages and voicemails on my home screen?? Any help would be much appreciated..

Thank you,

Try not to double post, you put the same thing on the other thread, just wait and someone will answer it for you, don't know much about WAD themes so I can't help you.
First of all, Thank you Dash...

Is there a setting so that i can have notifiers of missed calls, text messages and voicemails on my home screen?? Any help would be much appreciated..

Thank you,

perastats, htc home, the features in the author mode, etc..
Ok, thank you Daniel... i appreciate your info and i apologize for the double post

Ohh so this is the flower theme you were talking about... it's a Wisebar advance theme... I would tell you how to set those up, but as I dont use WAD itll be better to wait on someone who knows...
Sorry, yes this is the theme i was talking about... i love everything about the theme, but really need my notifiers and im not sure how to do it, thought maybe it could be set up as a dock, anyone know how to do it?
are you sure they're not just built into the theme, better yet, into WAD... I mean most UI have a location for such features, and looking at the screen shot, it looks like theyre there... on the home screen i see a window that say no messages or something, so Im assuming thats where they would be...
I thought they would be built in too, but i cant find them and nothing shows up when i have missed something