help please

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i'm trying to upgrade my mogul to 6.1.. been searching for a long while now but can't seem to find the answer.

i downloaded the unlocker, kaos 6.1, already ran the unlocker, saw the tri color then it changed my theme to blue-ish color.. transfered kaos' .nbh file to the ruu folder then ran the ruu.exe... my problem is that it keeps disconnecting me from activsync, the screen on my phone is at 0% and not moving while the ruu application is also saying that i'm having connection issue. i can't get pass this stage, i tried multiple times resetting but still fails.. i was wondering if someone can help me out.. i did use search but i didn't find anyone having the same problem as i am. Please help..

Thanks in advance..
i'm trying to upgrade my mogul to 6.1.. been searching for a long while now but can't seem to find the answer.

i downloaded the unlocker, kaos 6.1, already ran the unlocker, saw the tri color then it changed my theme to blue-ish color.. transfered kaos' .nbh file to the ruu folder then ran the ruu.exe... my problem is that it keeps disconnecting me from activsync, the screen on my phone is at 0% and not moving while the ruu application is also saying that i'm having connection issue. i can't get pass this stage, i tried multiple times resetting but still fails.. i was wondering if someone can help me out.. i did use search but i didn't find anyone having the same problem as i am. Please help..

Thanks in advance..
you need to follow the step and please post in KAOS ROM THREAD!!! Why open a new one? I am closing this one! Please make sure you followed all the steps! Dont worry bout activesync. Put the phone in Bootloader mode! You should see Orlpiro Unlocker 2.40. then connect the cable to the pc. Notice that the phone on the bottom in bootloader mode should go from SERIAL to USB! Then run the RUU! Make sure you follow ALL the remaining steps and ALL THE STEPS neccessary to FLASH! Flashing in the wrong way will result in a BRICK phone or a bad flash and the phone will do wierd things!
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