hey guys


Owner - Staff
hey everyone, i just wanted to tell you that over the next week or so i will not be putting any programs on since i have no way to test them first. I was mugged and stabbed today at the mall and got my i930 stolen. dont worry im alright and when the replacement phone comes in the mail i 'll have a lot of time while in bed to find and test/create some new programs for us all to enjoy. i will still be checking into the site periodically so everyone keep up the great work on the site...Thanks and be ready for some hella sweet programs i will be finding here soon....so everyone take it easy and once again get ready cause in a week or so i will have a whole bunch of stuff ready to be tested and put on the site....if im not on here feel more than free to e-mail me and i will get back to you asap always the same day.thanks....Matt aka iamdasht19