
glad to have you here, enjoy the site and all it has to offer. take a look at my signature below and you will find many useful links to not only getting started with modding but also using and navigating the site to its fullest. :console:
Hi welcome glad to have you and glad you found your way here. You are going to like it here, this is the best place for all your PPC and PC needs. Take a look around and hope you have fun searching and downloading. Hope to see you around the site. PEACE!!
Welcome to AMJ the place for all your PPC and PC needs. Do recommend to go over tutorials on how to get around Smartphonejunkie(AKA AMJ).Please try use the search bar that will be your best freind for any question you might have..SEarch and read will get u pretty far and remember if youve been help in someway just payback by helping somebody else..Enjoy your stay..peez
welcome to the site and you will now have the roms of all kinds at the tips of your fingers, remeber to hit up the search bars they will lead you very well. enjoy