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How to make bookmark icon look cooool


Owner - Staff
I've figured out a simple trick to make your bookmark icon on the launcher look iphoneishly....cool.

Here I have Gizmodo, Facebook, Precentral and a full signal bars :D. Neat looking? Yes.


To do this:

1. open your Pre
2. google the picture or logo.
3. open the web via new card and select bookmarks.
4. in bookmarks, tab the 'i' on the site you want to do and copy the URL.
5. switch back to the card with the picture.
6. tap web > page > add to launcher.
7. resize the picture.
8. in URL box delete the address and paste the copied URL from step 4.
9. add title.
10. tab add to launcher.

Now open the launcher and you'll see the new cool looking icon

originally found here: