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ok it's AMJ time for a review.I've now have the HTC Hero for about 2 days,And to be honest i don't miss windows mobile. everything that i had on my pro is now on my hero..It was a bit confusing to how things work but i managed to learn the features and functions.And I'm very impressed.

There a few things i didn't like and hope android make adjustments.The web browsing is awesome, i like the clarity but its a bit slow for me when connecting or searching to any web site

For the life of me where the hell is the speaker button on the phone??? hahahaha The voice mail is off the hook i like the setup, and lastly android need to improve the email setup and the delete all button which this one don't have,I would have to delete each email one by one.

But overall i'm liking this device and it has everything i need t do no extra stuff...I'm glad i waited.
Re HTC HERO Review By elboriyorker

I'm glad you like it elboriyorker. I'm enjoying the hell off my hero also. Although i do notice the hiccups in smoothness when it comes to the cpu i dont miss winmo at all either, the glass screen is kick ass and im typing soo fast on the keyboard. now next in line for next year... the htc dragon
Re: Re HTC HERO Review By elboriyorker

I'm glad you like it elboriyorker. I'm enjoying the hell off my hero also. Although i do notice the hiccups in smoothness when it comes to the cpu i dont miss winmo at all either, the glass screen is kick ass and im typing soo fast on the keyboard. now next in line for next year... the htc dragon

htc dragon yea i heard something about it in the U.K region i'll look into it.yea bro I'm like an old kid with a new wife tells me am i ever going to put it down...hahahaha but now having it on my hands it feels smooth ...aint complaining tho...
Re Re HTC HERO Review By elboriyorker

Thanks for the Review elboriyorker my upgrade is due in December so i think i am gonna go one. So far i have not hear a bad thing about the Hero yet ....

Imo there isnt anything bad to say lol. I was also impressed with the grand mayority praising the sprint hero with the exeption of those that prefer a hardware keyboard.
Re Re Re Re Re HTC HERO Review By elboriyorker

Awesome imo. I use the compact qwerty in portrait and full in landscape. After a calibration setup i type fast as hell and almost never miss a key. But dont take my word for it. Try it out yourself.

Im replying from my hero btw

Yes will have to go to a store an play with one for a while. I had a diamond for a while so compact qwerty is nothing new to me. I have a pro an it a lot lol!!!!
Re Re HTC HERO Review By elboriyorker

I'm glad you like it elboriyorker. I'm enjoying the hell off my hero also. Although i do notice the hiccups in smoothness when it comes to the cpu i dont miss winmo at all either, the glass screen is kick ass and im typing soo fast on the keyboard. now next in line for next year... the htc dragon

is that the same as the snapdragon? this one?
......... hey elboriyorker, what you think of the round sprint design over the squared one?
Re HTC HERO Review By elboriyorker

I wonder if the dont include the delete all because you can manage the email from your gmail acount also if you had to do some serious cleaning up in it I think that would be the easier way to do it or grab a ITouch and piggy back off the wifi haha.
Re: Re HTC HERO Review By elboriyorker

I wonder if the dont include the delete all because you can manage the email from your gmail acount also if you had to do some serious cleaning up in it I think that would be the easier way to do it or grab a ITouch and piggy back off the wifi haha.

lol true i can do that..but they still should have a feature already built i dont have to go else where and do it.
cool thanks for the review elboriyorker, how is the speaker on the beast? im gonna get it when it ocmes out early 2010 for verizon..... are all the other basic features good on the device like earpiece, call quality, build sturdyness (doesnt feel cheap), etc

yea bro the speakers are great, not awesome but i can hear my favorite music.Its funny even tho i can use the 3.5 ear piece jack..but i'm using my pro ear piece and works good and i can use it to make calls quality is great i was on the phone with mom for almost 2 hours and dont have any issues at all, it's loud and clear...the structure looks fine and feels fine but because of my clumsiness i'll get a hard case protector for it.sprint got that rubber thing but i dont like the way it looks.
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yea bro the speakers are great, not awesome but i can hear my favorite music.Its funny even tho i can use the 3.5 ear piece jack..but i'm using my pro ear piece and works good and i can use it to make calls quality is great i was on the phone with mom for almost 2 hours and dont have any issues at all, it's loud and clear...the structure looks fine and feels fine but because of my clumsiness i'll get a hard case protector for it.sprint got that rubber thing but i dont like the way it looks.

sweet and no one really has touched on battery life how is that looking?