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I havent forgotten about SPJ

Hey whats up all. so sorry i haven't been around in a few. School started and i have been up to my ears in computer parts lol. but on a positive note i got a new laptop hehehehehehe something else for me to mod. hahahah.. hugs to all yall, and will ttyl


you better come back soon and hope school going good for you..... i started a couple weeks back but starting to get back into the groove of things.
you better come back soon and hope school going good for you..... i started a couple weeks back but starting to get back into the groove of things.

i wish i could get into the groove, but i got two hard ass teachers and one who's a noob dope, they hire anyone for teachers these days.......but so far straight A's....im such a geek ROFL

--------- New Post Merged on 22/9/2009 at 07:18:53 --------

who are you?........haha j/k good to see you back, are you good programming in Java? i have this homework that is killing me!!!! im lost blah

hahahah hell no.....hahahaha I can't stand programming. but im sure youll get it.

--------- New Post Merged on 22/9/2009 at 07:19:48 --------

I know things in life can pull us away, especially big changes in life like starting school and so forth. Hope school is going well.

awww thats so sweet, thanks for your support...........
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you guys are too funny..........And coming here to take a break from my meltdown over one of my stupid classes is a nice break. i needed that....... but whats this, buying you guys VIP and HTC LEO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH funny funny. But see now that doesnt apply to me, i did log into AMJ, but to was searching for a prog that i needed for school. I just didn't leave any posts, so there :tongue:
lol we can check that..........

well then i triple dog dare you!! :blowkiss:

--------- New Post Merged on 23/9/2009 at 06:52:59 --------

Heyyy krymmsss good to see you on here again :)

fanaticny if you ever need any programming help just ask me on palringo >.<

yeah? you know anything about logic circuits and boolean theorems too? im dieing in my digital systems class......
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you know that me and kaos is a package deal..... you will have to deal with the both of us to get one hahaha

oh yeah asnd be down for a blunt before and afterwards.

LMAO, hmmmm well now,,,, isn't that interesting.........:in-love: HAHAHAHAHAHAH

oh and off subject, does anyone know if someone is making a rom for the htc touch pro that has TF3D 2.6.
LMAO, hmmmm well now,,,, isn't that interesting.........:in-love: HAHAHAHAHAHAH

oh and off subject, does anyone know if someone is making a rom for the htc touch pro that has TF3D 2.6.

2.5 yes and thats buggy as buggy can get and 2.6 at this time i havent heard of one for it..... dont even think that the port over is even complete as of yet and no bugs would be fixed from the port over to a diffferent device.
i know a bit ( no pun intended ), if you wanna give me what you need help with i can figure it out :P

they just gave me a bunch of equations that i have to make circuits out of using AND, OR and Inverters. but the equation has the use of bars or double bars so its hard to type out. for instance

bar over first term
z=(A+B+Cbar D E bar)+Bbar C Dbar

if that makes any sense at all, thats what im working on, and have to create logic circuits using equations like that one.......

--------- New Post Merged on 23/9/2009 at 07:05:47 --------

2.5 yes and thats buggy as buggy can get and 2.6 at this time i havent heard of one for it..... dont even think that the port over is even complete as of yet and no bugs would be fixed from the port over to a diffferent device.

thats too bad....... looks real nice....
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