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icube icons

you pick the icon than you look down on the screen and you will see a spot called icons if im not mistaking than anuimations. choose the icons one and than find the image you want to change to like on the card and all than save and do a soft reset and you will be golden.... there. or you can watch the tutorial video that tigerz made for us. [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNNzoc6So88[/YOUTUBE]
I am having trouble replacing the icons as well on the cube. the video doesn't reall show how to do it, or where to find the icons
there is a tutorial i belive you can double check me on that one and its pretty straight foward but as far as where to find the icons thats your job find those icons on google or your favorite search engine and then just make sure they are brn files and if they are not then just coonvert them with a program like photoshop or your favorite photo editer and just drag them on your phone in any place i recomend on the device instead of the storage card maybe a place like my document sounds fitting then just go to your cube config tool and select the location of the image you placed on your phone for the button u want to change and there you go you did it hope this helps your i dont know how much more specific i can get so tell me how it goes, thanks