iPhone SPB Mobile Shell Skin


The Man with the Plan!
Selboriyorker Mobile Shell Skin: iPhone (Freeware)
Requirements: WM5, WM6 VGA device
Overview: Clown Fish theme

This theme shows the swimming clown fish. The download files are below, click on number 2 to get the today theme and on number 1 to get the Mobile Shell v2.1 vga theme. It is recommended to use the today theme which has green colors on the taskbar, like the one provided. Enjoy using the clown fish skin for mobile shell v2.1.

Number 1(Mobile Shell Theme): http://rapidshare.com/files/117654917/clown_fish_mobile_shell_theme_VGA.rar.html

Number 2(Today Theme): http://rapidshare.com/files/117655148/clown_fish.rar.html

UPDATED BARCODE Number 1(Mobile Shell Theme):

UPDATED BARCODE Number 2(Today Theme):

STAFF & Site Admin


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i've installed this into a Mogul with SPD mobile shell 2.1, but i can't seem to get it to work. Am I missing something?
i've installed this into a Mogul with SPD mobile shell 2.1, but i can't seem to get it to work. Am I missing something?
Make sure you follow all the steps and drop the necessary files in windows folder and other necessary files in to the Program Files/SOB Mobile Shell Folder.
the instructions only tell you to install the cab file. If I had to drop files, that would be a lot easier. I just don't know if i'm doin something weird.
the instructions only tell you to install the cab file. If I had to drop files, that would be a lot easier. I just don't know if i'm doin something weird.
looks like for this one you need selboriyorker mobile shell 2,1. If that is working. DOwnload and install the cab file. then soft reset and you should be good.!
i installed SPD m shell 2.1 first. it works just fine. I then installed the iphone theme, restarted with no luck.

lll maby reading helps you know. it clearly states in the first post that this is for VGA devices only!!!!