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Issues with Contacts showing on 8525


On my 8525 the contacts have vanished but they are still there! When i go to contacts is see the banner on the top with the letters but no contacts. Voice call works, get right ring tones on incoming calls - just cannot see contacts. Speeddial also works. Any ideas on what is going on? I want to avoid another hard reset if possible but..............:connie_mykilroy:
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I moved this to your phones section, please be sure to post in correct areas in the future. And try using PIMbackup before doing your hard reset. Also, use activsync and back your contacts up to your comp outlook. If you need either of these programs, we have them here.
On my 8525 the contacts have vanished but they are still there! When i go to contacts is see the banner on the top with the letters but no contacts. Voice call works, get right ring tones on incoming calls - just cannot see contacts. Speeddial also works. Any ideas on what is going on? I want to avoid another hard reset if possible but..............:connie_mykilroy:

need more details... what rom are u running? what contact app are you running... have you tried soft resetting or completly shuttin the phone off and giving it a minute before reboot?... lets get some moe details and maybe we can provide more assitance... but if u decided to hard reset, do like supes said... and back up everything especially your contacs, because you will lose that info w/ a hard reset, and as you saiid yourself theycve vanished but you believe heyre still there, so if u back em up... they will reload after hard reset....
On my 8525 the contacts have vanished but they are still there! When i go to contacts is see the banner on the top with the letters but no contacts. Voice call works, get right ring tones on incoming calls - just cannot see contacts. Speeddial also works. Any ideas on what is going on? I want to avoid another hard reset if possible but..............:connie_mykilroy:

ok im a little lost you said banner on the top with letters..... what do you mean by that? and does it say click here to add new contact or anything.