just got a sprint mogul


I had the touch now I hav e a mogul will same apps work forf the mogul also how do I get my front scrdeen to look like my touch with clock snd icons etc.....sorry I feel like a noob again...
I had the touch now I hav e a mogul will same apps work forf the mogul also how do I get my front scrdeen to look like my touch with clock snd icons etc.....sorry I feel like a noob again...
almost if not all the same apps will work with the mogul that work for the touch, to get the touch home screen with the clock, etc. search for HTC Home Plugin
I have windows moble six . one one my touch its the sprint one that was leaked is that same rom available for the mogul I liked a lot thanks
I have windows moble six . one one my touch its the sprint one that was leaked is that same rom available for the mogul I liked a lot thanks
there are a whole bunch of roms running with WM 6.1 OS upgrade, personal preference as to which ones you use
Posted via Mobile Device im looking for the rom that says leaked from sprint but want to know if there is that same one for the mogul ......I know there are a bunch of roms I really like the one I found that says sprint rom leaked it is the one where its says test only not for sale when u boot it up
Posted via Mobile Device im looking for the rom that says leaked from sprint but want to know if there is that same one for the mogul ......I know there are a bunch of roms I really like the one I found that says sprint rom leaked it is the one where its says test only not for sale when u boot it up

thats old as hell bro the official dropped months ago and theres better roms built off that...... you will love kaos fuck sprint take 2 rom.