Lets Get Steamy


The VenumX Factor
Hey guys we have a few other threads for PS3 gamertags and xbox 360 gamertags so this is a thread to get everyones steam user id. This is what i am on most often because its what i use for school - working with the halflife game engine; so im on all the time. if you want to add me my steam id is venumx. Please post your steam id's ill be making an AMJ group on there today so we can all get in the same group.

*edit* ok so i created the steam group so hopefully we will get a few people to join this group.
heres the link:
its a public group so anyone can join - if we get enough members ill start making events and stuff so we can all play at the same time.
I am in a TF2 clan right now so if anyone plays TF2 we can get a few people in that server and mess around for a bit.
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