Mac Cube Question1

f 1i n e s t

I just installed Mac cube on my mogul and it's great. i was just wondering if theirs a way to change an application. i don't use\have like half of the applications that shows on the mogul so i wanted to configure some myself. is there a way i can do this? is it even possible? and i want to know how i can set the theme to be the one that slides down when you slide your finger. for some reason it shows for a second and then changes back to the original theme. if you can please help me it'd be greatly appreciated

oh yea, the EXTRACAB file is corrupt in the Mac cube thread
thank you in advance.
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I just installed Mac cube on my mogul and it's great. i was just wondering if theirs a way to change an application. i don't use\have like half of the applications that shows on the mogul so i wanted to configure some myself. is there a way i can do this? is it even possible? and i want to know how i can set the theme to be the one that slides down when you slide your finger. for some reason it shows for a second and then changes back to the original theme. if you can please help me it'd be greatly appreciated

oh yea, the EXTRACAB file is corrupt in the Mac cube thread
thank you in advance.

you need to be running the WM6.1 For that to work on the no2chem rom. and for the editing this has been discussed so please search before posting. but ill be nice and this is hpw you do it, but first make sure you have a registry editor on your phone and be careful because this can mess up your phone beyond repair and i nor AMJ will be responsible.

HKE_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Biotouch\APLaunchet .

In that folder there are several folders where you can change the exe file and icon. In the folder listed above, there are six different folders to check. That will allow you to change the Flo Cube window with 6 choices (Email, etc.) To change the window with the 3 choices, (Music, Photos, Videos) you have to go into another folder. You search for the one which lists the program to start an IE browser and change the file name to audiomanager.exe. Then you must do a soft reset and the program will have changed.