Mail man


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Mail man
Mailman is java writing the Post pop3/smtp client which connected to servers directly, without Jabber gateways.


Address book;
Using mobile phone address book (only Siemens);
Using POP3/SMTP protocols;
Loading at first only a subject of messages and then full loading;
Loading a part of the message (the set quantity of lines from the beginning), and then full loading;
Removal messages and copies from server;
Converting html to the text format;
Viewing of messages in encodings: koi8-r, windows-1251, UTF-8 and ISO--8859-2;
Export loading message to eml-files;
An opportunity of the attached files;
Sending the attached files;
Support SSL (only for MIDP2.0 platforms also need to fill in the missing certificates).

Following platforms are supported
MIDP2.0 with JSR-75 file system.