[May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512H (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*


Owner - Staff

CE OS 5.2.21222 Build 21501 AKU 5.0.1

This is a ROM built for speed, stability and heavy use. You will not find any cartoon characters on start-up, out-dated packages or fluff in here.

This is the Touch PRO ROM for Professionals.


*** By downloading any files, you verify that you have the appropriate licenses for all software contained herein ***
I will assume no responsibility for any damage you may cause to your phone. Please make sure you have followed the user guides on flashing your device.

Juicy 7 - Build 090512H including XBoxMod for XDA Dev Manila

Thank XBOXMod

Known Bugs:
1) Manila is buggy as hell, there will be multiple graphics glitches
2) shortcuts to call a contact through manila won't work as we don't have a new phonecanvas ported yet
3) htc phonecanvas doesn't work well with window 6.5 yet
4) time is off by an hour... just adjust it manually


Q. Why does this have a higher RAM utilization than XYZ Rom?
A. This ROM is modelled after a stock Rhodium device and has the same utilization. HTC uses a new method to ear-mark RAM used by common processes (camera/album/etc.).

Q. How can I free up some RAM?
A. Change your Pagepool. Also within Manila > Internet Tab > Menu > Data Settings > Turn Push Internet "Off"

Q. My ringtone has gotten corrupted and my phone is silent. WTF?
A. This is a known issue. It has to do with patching 6.5 to work with our 6.1 tools. Bear with me as I aim to resolve this eventually.

Thanks: cmonex, Conflipper, GC, Tobey, Calkulin, Juggalo_x, FayFay, ghettofreerydr, dcd (xda)
Juggalo_X, Blue1k, EUSANPE, Starmans, hodd, Devileyezz, leanne, burnmac, jregehr, jyxent, manxam, bobbenedetti, billo0071, kevank, saflang, xxza, mercado79, fatboypup, a99tandem, flacab23, Khafree, desairs, LilRico, BorisD, dfspot

My understanding from the admin here is that the prior notes from MS requesting the removal of our ROMs were fake (although I had responded in prompt, and complete compliance). If MS or anyone else would like the ROM removed I will comply in full, and in an expeditious manner. Again, by downloading any files, you verify that you have the appropriate licenses for all software contained herein.

Juicy 7: 09051XH

[ ] New Custom Kitchen
[ ] New D3D Drivers
[+] Updated .NET CF 3.5 RTM Package
[+] SqlCE Mobile 3.5
[+] Skybox (PIM Manager)
[+] SkyMarket
[+] Facebook ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] AutoRun ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] Updated Touch Drivers
[-] PIMBackup
[#] UPX Compression (executables & drivers) 
[#] CFC Compression (manila executables & drivers)
[#] Further Optimized Touch Sensitivity
[#] SprintTV Support
[#] Updated ZLibCE Library
[#] Fixed Random Freezes in Manila
[#] Updated Opera Icon
[#] Updated YouTube Icon
[#] Updated FM Radio Icon *Victor only*

Juicy 7: 090429H

[+] Manila ([COLOR="Red"]2.0.37643.2[/COLOR])
[#] Opera Mobile 9.5 Tweaks
[#] Further Optimized Manila
[#] Removed duplicate TMail.exe on boot
[#] Improved Start Menu responsiveness
[#] Restored 3G icon

Juicy 7: 090426H

[+] Opera Mobile 9.5 ([COLOR="Red"]Build 16227[/COLOR])
[#] PushInternet now works

Juicy 7: 090424H

[+] Opera Mobile 9.5 ([COLOR="Red"]Build 16070[/COLOR])
[+] CommManager ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] SMSInBoxThreading ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] PowerOffWarning ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[#] Opera Mobile Enhancements
[#] Fixed BT Shortcut in CommManager
[#] Fixed WLAN Shortcut in CommManager
[#] Fixed Graphics in WiFiWizard

Juicy 7: 090423H

[+] 6.5 Connection Icons
[+] Updated Drivers (Misc.)
[#] Restored Default PP to 16MB
[#] Fixed Office bugs
[#] DShow/mHub/mHubVO/FullScreenPlayer Optimizations
[#] Fixed RingTone Corruption
[#] Killed WorldClock redirect by default
[#] Fixed Today Theme Bugs
[#] Fixed Camera Glitches
[#] Fixed Teeter Glitches
[#] Further Optimized SensorSDK Settings
[#] Fixed AudioBooster Bugs

Juicy 7: 090418H

[+] [COLOR="Plum"]CE OS 5.2.21501 (Build 21501.5.0.7)[/COLOR]
[+] Custom [COLOR="black"]Juicy black[/COLOR] theme *thanks LilRico*
[+] Album ([COLOR="Red"]3.0.19141129.0[/COLOR])
[+] USBToPCPopUp ([COLOR="Red"]2.2.1914.1727.0[/COLOR])
[+] Notification Enhancement ([COLOR="Red"]2.0.1914.1131[/COLOR])
[+] AudioBooster ([COLOR="red"]2.2.19131926.2[/COLOR])
[+] DShow ([COLOR="red"]2.0.19141126.0[/COLOR])
[+] CMBluetooth ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] HTCMessage ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] HTCFramework ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19132632.01[/COLOR])
[+] LongPressEndKey ([COLOR="red"]1.2.19134026.00[/COLOR])
[+] MediaToolkit ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19141129.00[/COLOR])
[+] mHubVO ([COLOR="red"]1.71.090331.X0[/COLOR])
[+] QuickGPS ([COLOR="red"]1.01.19123431.00[/COLOR])
[+] MenuEnhancement ([COLOR="Red"]1.0.19141731.00[/COLOR])
[+] StreamingMedia ([COLOR="red"]3.1.19141226.00[/COLOR])
[+] StreamingSDK ([COLOR="red"]2.7.19132219.00[/COLOR])
[+] VoiceRecorder ([COLOR="red"]1.10.19123431.0[/COLOR])
[+] Teeter ([COLOR="red"]1.6.19132132.00[/COLOR])
[+] HTC EmailSetupWizard ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19132328.0[/COLOR])
[+] VolumeControl ([COLOR="red"]2.1.19133825.0[/COLOR])
[+] FieldTrial ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] EPST ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] Power ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] GoogleMaps ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR]) *working latitude*
[-] StreamingSRCFilter
[#] Fixed SMS Bug in Manila2
[#] Fixed graphical glitches in EzInput
[#] Enhanced YouTube playback
[#] Enhanced SensorSDK Settings

Juicy 6: Build 090406H 

[+] Updated Adobe Flash & BrowsingIE ([COLOR="LightBlue"]21041.1.6.0[/COLOR])
[+] ContactUtilityEngine ([COLOR="Red"]1.0.19132213.0000[/COLOR])
[+] EnlargeStartMenu ([COLOR="red"]1.2.37648.1[/COLOR])
[+] GoogleMap ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] HTC EmailSetupWizard ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19132328.0[/COLOR])
[+] HTCFontLink ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19132133.1[/COLOR])
[+] IME Engine Western ([COLOR="red"]2.0.344220.00[/COLOR])
[+] MediaToolkit ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19132331.00[/COLOR])
[+] MenuEnhancement ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19132733.00[/COLOR])
[+] MessageEnhancement ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19132329.00[/COLOR])
[+] ResourceProxy ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19132627.00[/COLOR])
[+] RandomAccess ([COLOR="Red"]4.1.18201320.0[/COLOR])
[+] RSSHub ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] TaskManager ([COLOR="red"]2.1.37657.1[/COLOR])
[+] WLANSettings ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[#] Updated D3D Drivers
[#] Fixed SensorSDK Provisioning
[#] Fixed SoftKeys Freeze in Manila
[#] Revised Caching / Overall Speed Increases
[#] Text Size & Zoom Level Defaults from Topaz

Juicy 6: Build 090405H 

[+] Rhodium Wallpapers
[+] Album ([COLOR="red"]3.0.19131527.00[/COLOR])
[+] MediaToolkit ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19131221.00[/COLOR])
[+] EnlargeStartMenu ([COLOR="Red"]1.2.37393.1[/COLOR])
[+] Facebook ([COLOR="red"]0.4[/COLOR])
[+] TaskManager ([COLOR="Red"]2.1.37385.6[/COLOR])
[+] GoogleMaps ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] HTC CommManager ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] CMBluetooth ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] WiFi Wizard ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] IME Engine Western ([COLOR="Red"]2.0.340870.00[/COLOR])
[-] IME Engine ATNT ([COLOR="red"]1.5.32796.0[/COLOR])
[-] SocialNetworksEngine
[#] Enabled SignatureReplace
[#] Enabled Media Player to play in background
[#] Updated Opera Home Page
[#] Disabled MS Auto Suggest Contacts
[#] Disabled Push E-Mail Automation
[#] Fixed Start Menu
[#] Disabled Manila Start Menu by default
[#] Disabled Manila Programs Tab by default (freezes LSKEY/RSKEY)
[#] Fixed PushInternet
[#] Fixed Internet Page Scrolling (Thanks XBoxMod)
[#] Fixed Music Tab (Thanks XBoxMod)
[#] Fixed Stocks Tab (Thanks XBoxMod)
[#] Fixed Wallpaper (Thanks Chainfire)

Juicy 6: Build 090328H
[ ] [COLOR="Plum"]CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 21042.1.6.1[/COLOR]
[+] Updated D3D Drivers
[+] ConcurrenceMgr ([COLOR="red"]1.5.19113219.0000[/COLOR])
[+] ContactUtilityEngine ([COLOR="Red"]1.0.19131320.0000[/COLOR])
[+] DShow ([COLOR="Red"]2.00.19131310.0[/COLOR])
[+] FacebookSDK ([COLOR="red"]1.0.1912.3731[/COLOR])
[+] FlashLiteShareDLL ([COLOR="Red"]1.0.18222929.0[/COLOR])
[+] HTCFontLink ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19123429.2[/COLOR])
[+] HTCScroll ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19113219.0[/COLOR])
[+] IME Engine ATNT ([COLOR="red"]1.5.32796.0[/COLOR])
[+] IME EzInput Western ([COLOR="Red"]2.0.340550.01[/COLOR])
[+] LockStreamDRM ([COLOR="Red"]1.1.081216.O9.05[/COLOR])
[+] MenuEnhancement ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19123624.01[/COLOR])
[+] PushInternetEngine ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19131530.0[/COLOR])
[+] Notification Enhancement ([COLOR="red"]1.2.1913.1930[/COLOR])
[+] SharedModules ([COLOR="red"]1.01.19131231.00[/COLOR])
[+] StreamingSrcFilter ([COLOR="Red"]2.6.19123019.00[/COLOR])
[-] MediaToolkit ([COLOR="Red"]1.0.19123021.00[/COLOR])
[-] DiscretixDRM
[#] Fixed Ringtone Glitches (YES, REALLY!)
[#] Enabled Vibration in Manila
[#] Enabled Vibration in SIP
[#] Further optimized caching
[#] Resolved most resolution glitches in EzInput (only English is supported currently)
[#] Automated Push Schedule
[#] AutoRotation OFF by default
[#] Fixed TimeSync bug
[#] Fixed wallpaper bug
[#] Camera now records images in portrait/landscape with new gsensor
*must keep autorotation off for this to work*

Juicy 5: Build 090325H
[+] MediaToolkit ([COLOR="Red"]1.0.19123021.00[/COLOR])
[+] ContactAssist ([COLOR="Red"]1.0.1912.2732[/COLOR])
[+] MessageEnhancement ([COLOR="Red"]1.0.19123513.00[/COLOR])
[+] NewContactCard ([COLOR="red"]1.0.1913.1529.01[/COLOR])
[+] HTCEmailSetupWizard ([COLOR="Red"]1.1.19123533.0[/COLOR]) 
[+] RingTonePlugin ([COLOR="Red"]1.00.080624.4[/COLOR])
[#] Fixed E-Mail Bug
[#] Fixed SMS Bugs
[#] Fixed GSensor Bug
[#] Fixed RingTone Issue (HOPEFULLY)
[#] PowerProperty Optimizations
[#] Relocated PIMBackup (incl new icon)
[#] TimeZone Fix (thanks [COLOR="PaleTurquoise"]Scuccia[/COLOR])
[-] HTC RandomAccess
[-] 3rd Party Notifications
[-] Duplicate TV Out in Settings

Juicy 5: Build 090322H 
[+] XBoxMod Manila For XDA Dev ([COLOR="red"]2.0.37395.30[/COLOR])
[+] HTC Notification Enhancement ([COLOR="red"]1.2.1913.1525[/COLOR])
[+] HTC SensorSDK ([COLOR="Red"]4.0.19122829.0[/COLOR])

Juicy 5: Build 090321H 
[+] ContactUtilityEngine ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19122926.00[/COLOR])
[+] HTC Menu Enhancements ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19123021.01[/COLOR])
[+] HTC New Mail Account ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] New ContactCard ([COLOR="red"]1.0.19122933.01[/COLOR])
[+] Opera Browser 9.5 ([COLOR="red"] Build 15954[/COLOR])
[+] USSD Service ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] zlibce Mobile ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] HTC Device Lock Skin (from Rhodium)
[+] Rhodium RingTone Package
[+] Updated Misc. Drivers
[+] Juicy Icons ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] Juicy RingTones ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR]) (Rhodium RingTones)
[#] Optimized cache levels
[#] decreased text input lag
[#] Restructured Customization
[#] Opera is now uninstallable
[#] Google Maps is now uninstallable
[#] Fixed glitches in Opera
[#] Fixed Ringtone Glitches
[#] Relocated PIM Backup; shortcut is now "Personal Information"

Juicy 5: Build 090312H 
[ ] [COLOR="Plum"]CE OS 5.2.20771 Build 20771.1.4.6[/COLOR]
[+] Updated AudioManager_Eng
[+] Updated TouchFlo
[+] Updated StreamingMedia
[+] Updated TaskManager
[+] Updated DShow
[+] Updated Teeter
[+] Updated RandomAccess
[+] Updated LongPressEndKey
[+] Updated HTCMsgEn
[+] Updated VoiceRecorder
[+] Updated EnlargeStartMenu
[+] Updated StreamingSrcFilter
[+] Updated DataDisconnect
[+] Updated ConcurrenceMgr
[+] Updated mHub
[+] Updated mHubVO
[+] Updated PictureEnhancement
[+] Updated FullScreenPLayer
[+] WLANSetting
[#] Fixed SensorSDK
[#] Fixed DShow
[#] Fixed Ringer
[#] Restored Large Font
[#] Restored RandomAccess
[#] Resource Tweaks
[#] New Opera Loading Animation
[#] New BootScreen
[#] [COLOR="LemonChiffon"]Haptic Feedback in Opera & YouTube[/COLOR]
... and much more

4_11 : 
[+] [COLOR="PaleGreen"]*NEW*[/COLOR] HTC Calculator ([COLOR="red"]1.0.1822.4128[/COLOR]) *Thanks ConFlipper*
[+] [COLOR="PaleGreen"]*NEW*[/COLOR] SlidingSound ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] [COLOR="PaleGreen"]*NEW*[/COLOR] Default Content Package (Sample Backgrounds & Avatars)
[+] OperaMobile 9.5 ([COLOR="red"]Build 15613[/COLOR])
[+] HTC Camera ([COLOR="red"]6.01.32976.00[/COLOR])
[+] HTC Manila ([COLOR="red"]1.2.35845.1_1813.6[/COLOR])
[+] DShow ([COLOR="Red"]2.00.090109.0[/COLOR])
[#] Repaired PhoneCanvas_Slider
[#] Repaired Ringer Corruption
[#] Disabled Connection Status Notification
[#] Repaired File Associations
[#] Fixed Camera Bugs & Improved Shutter Speed

4_10 :

[ ] [COLOR="Plum"]CE OS 5.2.20765 Build 20765.1.4.4[/COLOR]
[+] HTC CommManager ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[+] HTC Message ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] HTC PhoneCanvas Slider ([COLOR="red"]3.40.33475.0[/COLOR])
[+] HTC Audio Booster ([COLOR="Red"]2.0.1819.2227[/COLOR])
[+] Dshow ([COLOR="red"]2.00.081113.0[/COLOR])
[+] HTC Manila ([COLOR="red"]1.2.35097.1_1813.6[/COLOR])
[+] AdobePDF ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] AutoShortcut ([COLOR="red"][/COLOR])
[+] HTC TaskManager ([COLOR="red"]2.1.35589.1[/COLOR])
[+] Opera 9.5 ([COLOR="red"]Build 15445[/COLOR])
[+] YouTube ([COLOR="Red"]1.6.1822.2028[/COLOR])
[+] GoogleMaps with Latitude ([COLOR="Red"][/COLOR])
[#] Fixed ActiveSync/ Microsoft Push Issues
[#] Smaller Default Text Size

i take no credit for this rom and the original thread can be found here:

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Re: TP2 Manila [03-22-09] JUICY 5 (CE OS 5220771 Build 20771 AKU 146

I am gonna flash the Juicy 5 Build 090322H XBoxMod for XDA Dev Manila build and gonna see what how well it runs. Any news on which build is more stable???... new build means new features...will post results when done
Re: TP2 Manila [03-22-09] JUICY 5 (CE OS 5220771 Build 20771 AKU 146

Well guys ive flashed to it, and i gotta say im impressed. very smooth. Programs takes some getting used to, but i havent found a flaw yet. operas blazin. wish it was a little bit more customizable, but im sure that will come. If somebody figures out how to " add a new push page", let me know. big thanks to the authors.
Re: TP2 Manila [03-22-09] JUICY 5 (CE OS 5220771 Build 20771 AKU 146

So since this rom has the new xmod tflo3d2 cooked in......the glitches are fixed?
Re: TP2 Manila [03-22-09] JUICY 5 (CE OS 5220771 Build 20771 AKU 146

I am proud to report that virtually ALL bugs are fixed......except the push internet tab one. However that is minor. I tested all of the bugs reported in the other tflo3d2 thread, youtube app, opera, etc. Rom has all new skinned icons and is very clean. I am going to stick with this one for awhile unless the battery life is bad or for some reason my calls don't all come through (which has happened to me with a couple roms). Flash'em up boys.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/3/2009 at 11:08:30 --------

Oh and you won't need icontact anymore. The contact tab is very finger friendly and doesn't go through half of your contact list with one stroke.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/3/2009 at 11:44:19 --------

Ok....first couple of bugs. Once I used my sashimi and hooked everything up......
1. Calendar tab wouldn't function (restarted tflo)
2. Email tab won't actually open the email accounts
3. The damn time zone/ clock on the home tab became messed up

:( back to mighty 4.15 until bugs are fixed. IDK maybe it was something that I installed.
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Re: TP2 Manila [03-22-09] JUICY 5 (CE OS 5220771 Build 20771 AKU 146

I think its workin perfect. I got two issues.

One is th wallpapers option. The screen turns red when you try and change.
Not a big deal for me, cause i use the background changer and undo the background. Works like a charm.

One thing i cant figure out is the ringtone problem. I seen the reg editing option, but i am not doing it right or somethin, cause its not even ringing know. Ive searched the thread over there and asked the question at least five times. Im gettin no response. Any help would be appreciated.
Re: TP2 Manila [03-22-09] JUICY 5 (CE OS 5220771 Build 20771 AKU 146

i think juicy 6 is out with the tf3d-2.
heres the link:


thinks this is the rom that probex is using for the much anticipated alienware2 theme!

--------- New Post Merged on 30/3/2009 at 02:16:25 --------

Juicy 6: Build 090328H
[ ] CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 21042.1.6.1
[+] Updated D3D Drivers
[+] ConcurrenceMgr (1.5.19113219.0000)
[+] ContactUtilityEngine (1.0.19131320.0000)
[+] DShow (2.00.19131310.0)
[+] FacebookSDK (1.0.1912.3731)
[+] FlashLiteShareDLL (1.0.18222929.0)
[+] HTCFontLink (1.0.19123429.2)
[+] HTCScroll (1.0.19113219.0)
[+] IME Engine ATNT (1.5.32796.0)
[+] IME EzInput Western (2.0.340550.01)
[+] LockStreamDRM (1.1.081216.O9.05)
[+] MenuEnhancement (1.0.19123624.01)
[+] PushInternetEngine (1.0.19131530.0)
[+] Notification Enhancement (1.2.1913.1930)
[+] SharedModules (1.01.19131231.00)
[+] StreamingSrcFilter (2.6.19123019.00)
[-] MediaToolkit (1.0.19123021.00)
[-] DiscretixDRM
[#] Fixed Ringtone Glitches (YES, REALLY!)
[#] Enabled Vibration in Manila
[#] Enabled Vibration in SIP
[#] Further optimized caching
[#] Resolved most resolution glitches in EzInput (only English is supported currently)
[#] Automated Push Schedule
[#] AutoRotation OFF by default
[#] Fixed TimeSync bug
[#] Fixed wallpaper bug
[#] Camera now records images in portrait/landscape with new gsensor
*must keep autorotation off for this to work*

Last edited:
Re: TP2 Manila [03-22-09] JUICY 5 (CE OS 5220771 Build 20771 AKU 146

i think juicy 6 is out with the tf3d-2.
heres the link:


thinks this is the rom that probex is using for the much anticipated alienware2 theme!

--------- New Post Merged on 30/3/2009 at 02:16:25 --------

Juicy 6: Build 090328H
[ ] CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 21042.1.6.1
[+] Updated D3D Drivers
[+] ConcurrenceMgr (1.5.19113219.0000)
[+] ContactUtilityEngine (1.0.19131320.0000)
[+] DShow (2.00.19131310.0)
[+] FacebookSDK (1.0.1912.3731)
[+] FlashLiteShareDLL (1.0.18222929.0)
[+] HTCFontLink (1.0.19123429.2)
[+] HTCScroll (1.0.19113219.0)
[+] IME Engine ATNT (1.5.32796.0)
[+] IME EzInput Western (2.0.340550.01)
[+] LockStreamDRM (1.1.081216.O9.05)
[+] MenuEnhancement (1.0.19123624.01)
[+] PushInternetEngine (1.0.19131530.0)
[+] Notification Enhancement (1.2.1913.1930)
[+] SharedModules (1.01.19131231.00)
[+] StreamingSrcFilter (2.6.19123019.00)
[-] MediaToolkit (1.0.19123021.00)
[-] DiscretixDRM
[#] Fixed Ringtone Glitches (YES, REALLY!)
[#] Enabled Vibration in Manila
[#] Enabled Vibration in SIP
[#] Further optimized caching
[#] Resolved most resolution glitches in EzInput (only English is supported currently)
[#] Automated Push Schedule
[#] AutoRotation OFF by default
[#] Fixed TimeSync bug
[#] Fixed wallpaper bug
[#] Camera now records images in portrait/landscape with new gsensor
*must keep autorotation off for this to work*

Yeppers.. Ive been rockin Juicy 6 for the past couple days now... and its a pretty nice rom overall... still some minor bugs from tf3d2 beta, but getting fixes for those are relativly easy... battery life is ok... i still have tweaked it yet, cuz ibut w/ basic use itll get yah throught he day... w/ hevey internet or phone use... itll drain at an average rate... im assumin once tweak out w/ my reg edit of choice, itll be much more substantial overall a pretty stable rom... easy to use, pleasant experience...
Re: [03-31-09] JUICY 6 - Build 090328H (21042) [UC] RHODIUM MANILA

Well guys ive been running this for a day now seems to be running great on my side ,battery is great and i havent even tweeked it yet will later and report back later .
Re: [03-31-09] JUICY 6 - Build 090328H (21042) [UC] RHODIUM MANILA

One thing though. on the start menu how do u get rid of those shortcuts defaulted on there...besides that this rom is balla!=D>
Re: [03-31-09] JUICY 6 - Build 090328H (21042) [UC] RHODIUM MANILA

One thing though. on the start menu how do u get rid of those shortcuts defaulted on there...besides that this rom is balla!=D>

tf3d2 is designed like that by default... some chef cook in a fix, some dont... I posted a cab to fix it on taylors tweaks cabs and hacks thread... go pick it up there! I tested it on juicy rom so itll work fine!
Re: [03-31-09] JUICY 6 - Build 090328H (21042) [UC] RHODIUM MANILA

K. one more. the auto correct/word suggestion and spell check is not working. unless this is under and option hidden deep in the phone that I haven't found. I would suggest fixing this for next upgrade.
Re: [03-31-09] JUICY 6 - Build 090328H (21042) [UC] RHODIUM MANILA

K. one more. the auto correct/word suggestion and spell check is not working. unless this is under and option hidden deep in the phone that I haven't found. I would suggest fixing this for next upgrade.

I will answer my own question. I a cab fro PPC Geeks that will patch the word completion issue. I did not find it on any other threads here at AMJ

