Is a set of plugins which are added to the native Messaging application. (See picture attachment)
1.2. Sorry they changed things from 1.1 to 1.2.
Live Messenger
(Sorry I did hope to have Facebook Chat working but I am having serious troubles with it.)
1.0.0 Initial Version
1.0.1 Fixed to work with updated WebOS 1.2 Pre's
1.0.2 Fixed AIM. Not released
1.0.3 Fixed AIM and Yahoo Messaging
Please note: There is two versions of "Messaging Plugins". One for WebOS (armv7) and one for the emulator (i686).
Please note: Preware and IPKG Service is required to install this patch.
Please note: This program should be uninstalled before performing a WebOS update.
Please note: Installation will take some time. Be patient.
Please note: The installer will install just wait for luna to restart.
Install using WebOS Quick Install (
KNOWN ISSUES (Thanks to freakout and Abyssul)
‚ Can't add to buddy list
‚ When typing in a contact the icons for icq,live and facebook near "IM with XXXX Using:" are missing. (See picture attachment)
‚ Once you install the mod and add a Windows Live account to Messaging, Synergy will pull your buddies into the Contacts application. But if you then try and link those WL contacts with other contacts, the Edit Contact view will freeze up on the "Linking..."
‚ Slightly more scary is that once you've linked the WL contact, it will leave you completely unable to edit contact details for that person. All the information you've previously entered is still there - but you won't be able to see it or change it. The contact card will be blank, apart from their contact pic.
‚ To add insult to injury, the WL contact will then become the Primary contact, making their WL username permanently display.
Download the IPK's from Messaging Plugins - Windows Live
Pre - org.webosinternals.messaging_1.x.x_armv7.ipk
Emu - org.webosinternals.messaging_1.x.x_i686.ipk
I am unable to attach here as the files are slightly too big!
A big thanks to the following people for their help and support.
Abyssul - very big thanks!
SMKOUT333 - very big thanks!
rwhitby - Main Page - WebOS Internals
PuffTheMagic - PrYourMind | Free Opensource Pr Developer Hosting
palm open source team - Welcome to - Palm
Pidgin (libpurple) developers - WhatIsLibpurple Pidgin Trac
Everyone who offered to help but due to timezone differences were unable to!
Make account sync work
Fix icon missing when searching for IM
Facebook Support
Jabber Support
Log off button for individual accounts
SIPE support
There is currently no GUI way to remove "Messaging Plugins".
There are two ways to uninstall.
1 - Use Web OS Quick Install.
2 - Via Linux access to the phone.
This can be achived various ways...
Putty - Putty - WebOS Internals
Terminal - Application:Terminal - WebOS Internals
PreBrew - Tutorials webOS Installing An Ipk - WebOS Internals
Novacom - Portal:Accessing Linux - WebOS Internals
Run the following command:
Below contains information about "Messaging Plugins"
"Messaging Plugins" uses a new service which is based off the Palm messaging service.
This service is a connector to libpurpleadapter.
The service is called im.libpurpleext.greg.
The service is executed by /usr/bin/LibpurpleAdapterExt.
The following commands can be run in Linux to perform installation and configuration options.
Install a messaging plugin
Run the below command to install a plugin manually. This will only install one of the supplied plugins.
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ InstallPlugin <PLUGIN NAME>
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ InstallPlugin Live
Remove a messaging plugin
Run the below command to remove a plugin manually. This will only uninstall one of the supplied plugins not the inbuild WebOS plugins.
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ RemovePlugin Live
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ RemovePlugin <PLUGIN NAME>
Patch the messaging application
Run this after updating WebOS to a new version.
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ PatchMessagingApp
i take no credit for this and originally found here:
Is a set of plugins which are added to the native Messaging application. (See picture attachment)
1.2. Sorry they changed things from 1.1 to 1.2.
Live Messenger
(Sorry I did hope to have Facebook Chat working but I am having serious troubles with it.)
1.0.0 Initial Version
1.0.1 Fixed to work with updated WebOS 1.2 Pre's
1.0.2 Fixed AIM. Not released
1.0.3 Fixed AIM and Yahoo Messaging
Please note: There is two versions of "Messaging Plugins". One for WebOS (armv7) and one for the emulator (i686).
Please note: Preware and IPKG Service is required to install this patch.
Please note: This program should be uninstalled before performing a WebOS update.
Please note: Installation will take some time. Be patient.
Please note: The installer will install just wait for luna to restart.
Install using WebOS Quick Install (
KNOWN ISSUES (Thanks to freakout and Abyssul)
‚ Can't add to buddy list
‚ When typing in a contact the icons for icq,live and facebook near "IM with XXXX Using:" are missing. (See picture attachment)
‚ Once you install the mod and add a Windows Live account to Messaging, Synergy will pull your buddies into the Contacts application. But if you then try and link those WL contacts with other contacts, the Edit Contact view will freeze up on the "Linking..."
‚ Slightly more scary is that once you've linked the WL contact, it will leave you completely unable to edit contact details for that person. All the information you've previously entered is still there - but you won't be able to see it or change it. The contact card will be blank, apart from their contact pic.
‚ To add insult to injury, the WL contact will then become the Primary contact, making their WL username permanently display.
Download the IPK's from Messaging Plugins - Windows Live
Pre - org.webosinternals.messaging_1.x.x_armv7.ipk
Emu - org.webosinternals.messaging_1.x.x_i686.ipk
I am unable to attach here as the files are slightly too big!
A big thanks to the following people for their help and support.
Abyssul - very big thanks!
SMKOUT333 - very big thanks!
rwhitby - Main Page - WebOS Internals
PuffTheMagic - PrYourMind | Free Opensource Pr Developer Hosting
palm open source team - Welcome to - Palm
Pidgin (libpurple) developers - WhatIsLibpurple Pidgin Trac
Everyone who offered to help but due to timezone differences were unable to!
Make account sync work
Fix icon missing when searching for IM
Facebook Support
Jabber Support
Log off button for individual accounts
SIPE support
There is currently no GUI way to remove "Messaging Plugins".
There are two ways to uninstall.
1 - Use Web OS Quick Install.
2 - Via Linux access to the phone.
This can be achived various ways...
Putty - Putty - WebOS Internals
Terminal - Application:Terminal - WebOS Internals
PreBrew - Tutorials webOS Installing An Ipk - WebOS Internals
Novacom - Portal:Accessing Linux - WebOS Internals
Run the following command:
Below contains information about "Messaging Plugins"
"Messaging Plugins" uses a new service which is based off the Palm messaging service.
This service is a connector to libpurpleadapter.
The service is called im.libpurpleext.greg.
The service is executed by /usr/bin/LibpurpleAdapterExt.
The following commands can be run in Linux to perform installation and configuration options.
Install a messaging plugin
Run the below command to install a plugin manually. This will only install one of the supplied plugins.
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ InstallPlugin <PLUGIN NAME>
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ InstallPlugin Live
Remove a messaging plugin
Run the below command to remove a plugin manually. This will only uninstall one of the supplied plugins not the inbuild WebOS plugins.
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ RemovePlugin Live
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ RemovePlugin <PLUGIN NAME>
Patch the messaging application
Run this after updating WebOS to a new version.
sh /var/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.messaging/ PatchMessagingApp
i take no credit for this and originally found here:
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