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Microsoft Device Emulator 1.0


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Microsoft Device Emulator 1.0 (was Preview)
Name: Microsoft Device Emulator
Version: 1.0 Preview
URL: http://msdn.microsoft.com/mobility/w...w/default.aspx

The Microsoft Device Emulator 1.0 Community Preview is a standalone version of the same ARM based Device Emulator that ships as part of Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2. The standalone emulator is intended for situations when you want to demonstrate or test your application on a computer that does not have Visual Studio 2005 installed. The emulator ships with support for Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition.

The new Device Emulator has a number of features that make it significantly better than its predecessor. You will find that it:

* Runs code compiled for ARM processors rather than for x86 processors. In most cases, you can run the same binaries on the emulator as you do on the device.
* Supports synchronizing with ActiveSync. You can use the Device Emulator with a full ActiveSync partnership. This feature allows you to debug applications that are syncing, or be able to use real synchronized data from within the Device Emulator.
* Provides support for more development environments. The emulator has been tested for developing and debugging applications with Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio .NET 2003, and with eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 (eVC4) SP4, all using ActiveSync. No crossover serial cable is required.
* The Device Emulator supports GAPI. You can write and debug GAPI games on the Device Emulator and expect them to work.

Documentation, updates, additional images, bug submissions information, and a newsgroup for the Device Emulator are available on the Microsoft Device Emulator Community Preview website:

* Visit http://beta.microsoft.com,
* Login using your Passport account, or create one if you don't have one.
* Use Guest ID MSDEVICE to access the Community Preview website

Yes, finally a real Pocket PC emulator , here are installation and general usage instructions.

To install and run the Device Emulator, perform the following steps. Follow these instructions exactly or the Device Emulator may not function correctly.

The stand-alone Device Emulator is not recommended for computers that have Visual Studio 2005 already installed, as Visual Studio 2005 already contains the Device Emulator component.

1. Install Emulator.
Run DeviceEmulator050419.msi.
2. Register Device Emulator.
Run Start->Programs->Device Emulator Community Preview->Register Device Emulator. Note that if you are running the any version of Visual Studio 2005 (not recommended), that this step redirects your Visual Studio 2005 installation to use the Device Emulator from the MSI. This action is not reversible, so its recommended you install the Device Emulator on machines without Visual Studio 2005 installations.
3. Select Device Image.
Select a device image to run by selecting Start->Programs->Device Emulator Community Preview-> * (Cold Boot). Wait for the OS to boot. May take several minutes depending on your computer.
4. Choose Options.
File->Configure‚¦ allows you to set options such as Zoom and Orientation.
5. Connect to Device via ActiveSync (if you need connectivity).
To connect to the device via Microsoft ActiveSync, start a version of ActiveSync that supports the version of the device you are running. For Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, you should use ActiveSync 3.7.x or higher. Run Start->Programs->Device Emulator Community Preview->Device Emulator Manager. When the Device Emulator Manager appears, right-click on the GUID and select Cradle. You may need to select "Get Connected" in ActiveSync, depending on your ActiveSync version. You can sync the device and explore/add/modify files as needed. If you want to connect to a Network or the Internet, you can select the network pass-through option from the ActiveSync Network Settings dialog. To connect directly to a network card, see Known Issues.
6. Experiment with Screen Orientation.
On Pocket PC, press the Soft Key 3(i.e. Calendar) button to rotate the device and screen orientation.
7. Save State.
You can save the state of the emulator when exiting by closing the window and choosing Yes from the dialog box that follows, or by selecting File->Save State and Exit. Restoring from a Saved State is much faster than booting the operating system and will be useful next time you use the emulator. The next time you start the emulator, you select Start->Programs->Device Emulator Community Preview-> * (Restore) to restore the last saved state for that image.