Mogul, Ipod Touch & Wifi


I have searched around a bit, and I think PDAnet is what I need but I don't know for sure. Can I set my mogul to be the wifi hot spot for my Ipod Touch? If so what programs do I need and how do i set it up?

I have searched around a bit, and I think PDAnet is what I need but I don't know for sure. Can I set my mogul to be the wifi hot spot for my Ipod Touch? If so what programs do I need and how do i set it up?


yes you can but pdanet is more of a dial-up modem type of program with better speeds than dial up of course by far..... but you will need an app called wmwifirouter to make it a wifi router.
Thanks for the quick response dash.

Is WMwifirouter on here because when I search it says term not found or too long, and gives me no results.
