Nodoze prevents WebOS from going into sleep mode. This is useful if you want to access Linux via SSH or SFTP over WiFi as WiFi shuts down when in sleep mode.
Will optionally display a notification every XX minutes so you don't forget you left Nodoze active and run down your battery.
2009-11-18 v0.4.0
* Removed unstoppable feature due to WebOS 1.3.1 update disabling it.
2009-10-20 v0.3.4
* Fixed background issues
2009-10-17 v0.3.3
* Fixed more background unstoppable issues
2009-10-16 v0.3.2
* Fixed background unstoppable feature
2009-10-16 v0.3.1
* Optional background unstoppable feature
* Improved application icon (thanks Spunks3!)
* Fixed 'Activated' status on dashboard
* Improved UI performance when creating dashboard
2009-10-14 v0.3.0
* Optional background operation
o Tap dashboard or click launch icon a 2nd time to launch main card
o Swipe dashboard to close
* Screen always on toggle on main scene
2009-09-18 v0.2.0
- UI fixes
- Optional vibrate notification
- Optional sound notification
- Optional screen always on
- Optional IP connections list
NOTE: I had to change the appid to allow vibrate notifications to work. This will confuse the application installer leaving the old version installed. You will have to manually uninstall the old version.
2009-09-13 v0.1.0
- Initial Release
- Background operation
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